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Everything posted by captainrex

  1. Hmm okay I shall look into this
  2. It's not supposed to be completely black. On my computer, even with the 2.2 gamma, i can see mostly every detail on my computer. I looked into why everyone else is having trouble seeing this. It has to do with gamma settings on the computers of people who can't see it. My computer must have really good gamma settings. I tried turning it down all the way. I could see what everyone else was seeing when you could only see the lights. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything I can do at my end when it comes to gamma settings on everyone's computers :/
  3. How's this for a little switching it up? I realize this is in no way creepy at all haha I was playin around with some ideas for an alien starship and this one I decided to try. I seriously hope you guys can see this video. Alien_Starship_Flyby_x264.mp4
  4. On the part about graphics card and monitor settings, my computer is already at normal settings I think. I don't completely remember how to change them either. At the same token, I have tried increasing gamma in the left picture to three and in the right picture I increased it to 2.2 and raised each light to 200% intensity.
  5. Thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind.
  6. Gamma is set to 1. I'll try to compensate. Gimme a bit and I'll try it again
  7. Sorry about the lighting issue. I tried turning up the lighting in the scene a little bit without trying to losing too much of the effect that I wanted. I am drifting toward a more creepy look to this. Let me know if the lighting needs to be adjusted still. I'm also probably going to turn off that glow from the floor lights as well. I feel like there should be quite a few more objects in the scene. Basically I have the operating tables, probes above them and then some little power system in the middle of the room. I'm not sure what it is, the room just feels a little empty. What do you guys think?
  8. Okay I took a few of the ideas into consideration and made little of my own input into the images. This is in no way the final look to it, just a start. I tried different colors for the lighting to decide which looks creepier haha. Keep on coming with the ideas! They're all really helpful. Hopefully with more time in the next few days, I can input more of them into this.
  9. I'm doing a little animation project that involves an alien abduction and eventually the main character gets stuck in an alien ufo. Now I've found that coming up with ideas for the interior of the ship is a very hard process and frankly I'm at a loss as to what I should make it look like. It's up in the air if the inside will be organic like many alien abduction movies portray, or more metal like something in the X-Files Fight the Future movie. Any and all ideas are welcome as to style, look, design, surfce materials, and things that would be found inside the ship. I'm drifting towards a creepy look to it, but anything is welcome. Chances are that I would use many ideas, so feel free to comment with any ideas or concepts you have! I'll begin posting pictures as soon as I begin work on the interior. Thanks! -David P.S.- I've posted a picture of the alien I have made so far if that helps ha
  10. Sorry about the confusion! I'll be a bit more clear next time. Thanks again tho!
  11. itsjustme, thank you. I tweaked the updated outline you uploaded and got it to work perfectly! Thanks. I uploaded the project so you can see the final outcome. Thanks a bunch! Outline_update2.prj
  12. Here is the project. Hopefully this will help. I decided to use the gradient and the displacement in the edges so I could animate it and make the edges look like they were moving like waves of water or something of the sort. For the material I used, I just turned the displacment on in the material. It's not a decal. Outline.prj
  13. The middle effect is what I'm shooting for, just with a displacement material. Not sure if that is possible after the issues seen with gradients and displacement materials :/
  14. Okay here it is again. These all rendered with 16 pass on. Now in my material for the outline, I'm using a gradient for both the the outline and the displacement. When I use the gradient with displacement and transparency, then the black shows up. If it is just a normal turbulence material with no gradient, then there are no issues. Bump maps have caused no problems whatsoever. It may be corrolated with the gradient material. the third picture is just a sine displacement material, no gradient involved with that material. All pictures have the gradient color outline which is just a red color with the edge threshold of 20%, the middle of the gradient is 100% transparent. The color material is the same for all three different renders, only the bump/displacement materials have changed.
  15. Here's what happens with the displacement
  16. Okay I think I got it. I tried a gradient and it looked pretty good. Then to add a little detail, I added a material to cause displacement. It looks great with the quick render, but when I render it as a final render, the displacement causes the model to turn black and be transparent in a bunch of random spots. I don't think displacements are compatible with transparency of any kind. I have v15.0j+ so i'm not really sure how to work around the displacement-transparency issue without getting rid of displacement altogether :/
  17. I had an idea for a some alien creature that would not have any surface shading, but just an outline to it. Is there a way to use the toon lines to do that and make the surface completely transparent or not visible and just show the outline of the model?
  18. How much blood? Like if someone got shot in arm, like a little blood splatter from it
  19. So if we wanted to do something like sci fi, would that be okay? Would blood shown be okay or no?
  20. ok thnx for the help
  21. I've seen in tons of video games, movies, and other things that use streaks. Usually there is a glow applied to them. Is it not possible to do that in A.M. because I have tried adding glow to the sprite streaks and nothing happens. Just wondering if there is a way
  22. I know that when you rotate a camera, the sprites in the choreography rotate with the camera, always facing it. Is there a way to get sprites to not rotate to face the camera at all?
  23. yea i've looked. i'm not sure i exactly kno what to look for tho
  24. I've been starting to finally animate and stuff, but one thing that stands in my way is lighting effects. I have no clue how to use radiosity. I've tried it and all i get is a bunch of spots all over and have no idea how to get rid of this and get good looking lighting. Anyone know how to work radiosity?
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