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Everything posted by dailan1

  1. so just a quick update... i opened the 2001 rig without a model and created a new action... the right forearm on the rig can free rotate, however the left cannot... so either my library is corrupted or the there's a glitch in the rig. i opened some of the other models and decided to just use fan bones and smart skin to prevent the wrist from deforming
  2. thank you for your offer and I may take you up on that, but I wouldn't want to put you out just yet... I may just try to use the rig again and see how that goes.
  3. Thanks for your help! All the rings are visible and even display the number of degrees when I try to move them, the bone just doesn't go anywhere. I've checked the properties and compared them to the other forearm and they are they are set to the same values. Could it have something to do with a smart skin or a constraint?
  4. I'm having issues with a rig i put on a character.... specifically (believe i mirrored bone plugin after using the 2001 rig as a base) my right forearm can rotate in all three axies... however my left forearm can only rotate in the y-axis (or the green circle). I can not figure out how to fix this and really don't want to have to start from scratch. Can anyone give me a hint or clue??? Thanks for your time
  5. yes... i did in fact save as a mpeg4, and the cartoon it's self is really only 3 mins long... which is funny because on one of my first attempts at a render, when I forgot the compression, it was just over 3 gigs
  6. yes... i did in fact save as a mpeg4, and the cartoon it's self is really only 3 mins long... which is funny because on one of my first attempts at a render, when I forgot the compression, it was just over 3 gigs (which kind of sucked since I had to wait 36 hours for it to finish, which also seems kind of long) Lots and lots of particles too, or could it be because I turned up the resolution too???
  7. Sorry to revive this post after a few years... but sadly i lost my only copy of this toon i made when my last computer melted... which is why i'm hoping someone may have downloaded a copy of it and still has it hiding some where. if you do, can you please let me know how/where i can get a copy... thank you much Sorry, but Facebook is giving me problems.... had no choice, posted on You Tube.... (which I didn't want to do until it was really finished, it also seems really dark.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq3pgX0MoPA
  8. yeah it is kind of a Nutcracker parody... you don't actually see a nutcracker, but i did do the toy soldiers, the rat king and main female does throw a shoe... so the events are much similar if you know the story.... Here's an issue I'm having though... doing a shaded render and look at what happened to the top of the captain's head? Any one have any clue? I already checked the normals and stiffness is up so much the hair shouldn't move... Does anyone have any thoughts?
  9. well... I hope to be finished within the next 2 or 3 days... with Xmas just around the corner I'm not sure how much time i can spend on post and rendering... Speaking of rendering, does anyone have any suggestions? While doing a test render, i noticed some plack artifacts around the particle systems, but I kind of want to keep it well lit and cheery... is there even a way to keep it close to the workspace render... given time constraints I may only have one shot at it. I'm posting some screen shots without facial expressions or secondary movements (also without hair or particle systems). (See images below)
  10. The set is almost finished.... few details left and I need to adjust some things on eht fireplace (most noticably the decal on the hearth) hmmm... does anyone think I need baseboards or ceiling trim?
  11. removed my old bells and bows and added Gerry's bright shiny new ones... just a slight change in detail and it looks completely different. Props to Gerry's Props... Thanks again
  12. Spent my day redesigning the tree using the hair emitter, i think it looks more like a tree now. 1) old christmas tree 2)just the emitter on the trunk 3) emitter turned off 4) christmas tree/final edit Gerry, I just looked at those models, again they are amazing and can defineately use some of them... soooo I may redesign the christmas tree again lol. Fur sure I'm replacing the bells (yours are incredibly beautful) the candlestick can go ontop of the mantle, how did you know i needed a drum?, the gumdrops i might add to my gingerhouse, i can enlarge the wreath on the lamppost for a wall decoration and a few more ornaments on the tree. This was so exciting and so helpful!!! thank you immeansly!!!
  13. That would be awesome! Thankyou so much and I'll be sure to check it out!
  14. Well... It's slow going and I practically got nothing done over October, but here's a few updates (of course here it is November and I haven't even started the chor yet and I'm starting to sweat. I may need to take a Vacation just so i can do more Work!) OH! And since it's been awhile since i've logged in I saw Gerry's Chrismas 2009 topic. Athough I haven't read through the whole thing yet, his stuff looks incredible... way way better than anything I've got... but it is my first toon, so can't expect much from me, right? right?... guys?... anyone?... jump in with morale boosts any time....
  15. Update.... Well... it took me forever to figure out what i wanted to do with our leading lady (and there are still several things i want to add as well as change...but on the bright side; I met minimal success with the hair emitter.
  16. The hairless wookie file is in the tutorial folder of the library, but not in the tutorial workbook. How and where do i find a copy of the tutorial if there is one? Thanks for the help
  17. Update... two new models are almost completed. The fireplace and the teddy bear. Thanks for the heads up on Gimp, I'm going to web search it right now.
  18. Thank you for all the kind remarks, I really appreciate it. As for bump maps, sadly no... I'm still learning about several things (like bump maps and partical systems) Also, I don't have Photoshop, so I they are all decals I did with Mircosoft Paint. I agree the chimney is very flat, but since I'm thinking that it wil be a bit aways in the shot and really only on camera for 3seconds or so... I grudgingly convinced myself to let it slide, but ONLY just this once.
  19. I've been inspired by Christmas Tauntauns on You Tube, so I thought my first toon should be a Christmas one too. I wanted to share some of the models I've been working on to get some feed back. The first is going to be the Captain of the Toy Soldiers Uniform, the next is the Gingerbread house and then finally the Christmas tree (which kind of bothers me) I'm thinking of redoing the tree, using the hair system to make the needles and get a more realistic look, but the lights... any pointers? Right now, glow is just turned on, is there a way to make the bulbs brighter and flash sequentially? Anyway, thanks for taking a peek.
  20. Just an update! First Thank you to everyone above that was helping me and I did follow all of your suggestions. Thank you very much! And I did in fact find the problem, it was something i actually stumbled on by accident and out of the ordinary. So I'm posting to make others aware in case they come across a similar problem. If you go into your Hash folder under Program Files, right click on the hxt icon that is giving you trouble, then select "properties". Under the general tab at the bottom, windows might be blocking the file because it was downloaded from an unknown source. Simply check the "unblock" button and then click "apply" All better. And thanks again, you guys have been great.
  21. Subscribed with V15... and I did go for the most recent plug-in for windows. However, now that you mentioned it, I'm going to go ahead and try the prior version as well. I'm also going to check the directory again, simply because V10 is still on my drive from an older disk, could that some how be screwing thinks up a bit? Okay... downloaded and installed the Prior V15 plugin... and although, Mirror constraints is now in the wizard, Install Rig isn't. (I think I saw that in another post, too) I want to thank you again as well. Even though I feel kind of silly not trying the early version before posting, If I hadn't asked and you didn't mention it... I'd most likely be beating my head against my desk right now. So Thank You, very much.
  22. I've downloaded the Mirror bones plug in and placed it in the hxt folder... as outlined in it's instructions and the instructions for the 08 rig, however, everytime i open AM, I get a warning message saying they were incorrectly installed (for all three files) and failed to launch. So, what did i do wrong? I've tried adding a path in the tools option screen, but get the same message. Can someone direct me to a post or tutorial that will tell you how to install plugins? Thank you for your help.
  23. Thanks for all your great comments... Here are the wireframes. I left the skin group open so you could see what is did for skin tones and gradeint. By the way, the entire model is set for 0.5 toon lines. And, yes, i agree, her legs are kind of long, however that is what most comic books aim at, as a matter of fact i actually shortened them by an entire inch off the rotocope i was using which i took from "How to Draw Great Looking Comic Women" by Christopher Hart. The two biggest issues I was facing was at least for Wonder Woman, she doesn't seem "beefy" enough. The other was the hair. Whenever you see her in Comic Book form, she has a huge head of hair that is curly and highlighted in blue. What I'm playing with is a way to get three or maybe even four differnt shades in there somehow. And I know this is going to raise an eyebrow or two, but the reason I decided to do a naked model and form fit clothing around her, is this way, i can reuse the body for different characters as well as make it easier for costume changes with only having to do one set of bones, smart skin, poses, lipsync, etc. Change the hair and eyecolor, add a tattoo or scar, scale her height, tweak a few control points... presto, you'd never know it was the same girl.
  24. If your familiar with the work of J. scott Cambell (Gen 13, Danger Girl) Then hopefully you'll recognize my inspiration for this type of toon render. Wonder Woman was just the first superhero I thought to model (most likely becuase of all the chat about the movies, which is on again off again, then justice league, which is on again off again). Anyway, I'm posting because I was hoping for some feedback (as well as someone to tell me I'm not wasting my time). About the model... everything i learned and applied here came from Demented3D's tutorials.. so props to that genius of a man! Everything is toon renedered and surfaced colored with gradients. The only decals I used were the stars and eyes. However, I just can't seem to get the hair right. If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
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