sprockets TV Commercial by Matt Campbell Greeting of Christmas Past by Gerry Mooney and Holmes Bryant! Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  1. max

    lightbulb model

    hi all and thank`s, here is some update:
  2. hi! that is cool! show please settings for chor, light and render, i try this light method but it is do not work! THank you!
  3. here is my last work done in the 15V. What a you think about. tell me please what`s wrong... Thanks for any ideas and critics!!!
  4. max

    gun model

    no this is boolean, but what is this " cookie cut map ". Thanks! i use some picture (i delete it by accident) , and there is no bolt down in the handle. Thank you all!
  5. max

    gun model

    hi, all this is my next try of hash modeling. welcome any criticism! thanks! 360_2.mov
  6. helow all! i make some scene with single plastic object. and i need this effect in scene: white back, white ground, object and shadow he cast. i`ll try do this by four lights, but this is not good (no glare) Thanks any help! Project1.prj
  7. max

    dice modeling

    to Ganthofer maybe you are right, and this spline should be added at start. to John Bigboote thanks! Don`t believe it! I was going to modelling this dots
  8. helow, Hahsers, i need some help, i modeling a dice (picture attached) how i can crate this shape? thanks to all!
  9. you are right!!! this is drivers!
  10. i trying this, it make my work window black and that is all and i cant see anything
  11. hello all, i searching this topic and doing all steps, but it not works - i see white box area. but if i double click in images layer it show me that picture normal. and in render mode i can see it. im on PC XP, hash v.11.0 thanks for your time
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