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Posts posted by AniMattor

  1. This doesn't quite fit here, and it doesn't quite fit in WIP. I've finished the animation, but I'm still rendering--and will be for some time! The story came from a sound project I did in college a few years ago. Today I realized that it's easy to add pictures to my posts, so this is my second one of the night.


    Comments/Crits welcome, but I can't change much at this point.


    I've rendered in multiple passes and composited in photoshop. I'm compositing the final in after effects.






  2. Thanks for the comments. I'm leaning toward not having expressive eyes, and using ears and whiskers as Alonso suggested. I've done some sketches, and I can get some good emotion in poses. I haven't posed him in 3d too much yet, but I think he'll work.


    I'll try to post updates as soon as I can.


    I'll look into expressions. They're something i've been avoiding like the plague thus far!



  3. Here's a little character I resurrected from a old idea of mine. He's meant to be pretty simple, but I'm not sure he's going to have much emotion without eyebrows, and with button eyes.


    I was hoping to use mesh deformers on him for some good squash and stretch, but I haven't had much luck or time to experiment with them yet.






  4. I've been using version 10 since February, and I just downloaded version 11 a few days ago. last night i loaded it up and started using it. I have not used any new features, except the docking windows, and I have nothing but good things to say about them. it will save SO much screen space, and I can finally have them open big enough to be useful, WHEN I need them to be, and go away so I can SEE when I don't!


    'tis a thing of beauty!


    matt bjerk :D

  5. I've dealt with this a lot. what you need to do is select the patches that have over lapping textures on one side of the center line, right click on the selection, on the pop up menu select remove decals, and then you can select which decal, and which stamp of the decal to remove. just make sure you remove the decal for the opposite side that you have selected. then just repeat on the opposite side of the character!

  6. I'm still trying to find a good solution for an arm rig. I found Raf Anzovin's article "Dem Bones" on the web (http://www.3dgate.com/techniques/000124/hash_bones.html)

    but it doesn't go into enough detail for me to figure out how he makes it work. Is there anyone out there that has got a rig like Raf's to work?


    The part I'm struggling with is rotating the upper arm to make the elbow bend the correct way. Right now the only way I can figure to do it is to constrain the elbow to only one axis for rotation, and then rotate the roll handle on the bicep to point it the right way. (It's very awkward to work with.)


    I've thought of getting the setup machine, but I don't need the whole rig, just the arms, since I usually work with a much simpler rig for the rest of the body.




    Matt Bjerk

  7. Thanks for the replies. I hadn't thought of modeling in that pose. I may try that.


    I think I did try changing the order of the constraints, and it didn't seem to work. Maybe it's not enough to change the order in the list, maybe I need to actually apply the rotational constraints after the other constraints.




    m. bjerk

  8. I'm working on a short film, and I've run into a little wall. my character will be driving in a pickup truck for the whole film and the entire action takes place in the cab.


    naturally, his arms will be in almost every shot, and I've been trying to come up with a good way to rig them for animation control and natural movement. I've tried IK and FK, with and without joint limits. nothing is working very well yet.


    The way I was hoping to do it was to apply Euler limits to the arm, and use the default IK (meaning no "aim at" or "ik" constraints), just the ik from a bone chain. it just hasn't worked quite right. Also, if I use a rig(similar to a foot setup), my rotational constraints don't work any more.


    I'm open to any suggestions, especially if you have a rig you've worked with and gotten good results.


    Matt Bjerk :blink:

  9. I know it's not a view problem because it behaves the same in all view, even actions outside of choreography. i think I'm just going to copy and paste the skin into a new model and re bone, constrain, smartksin...ugh. but that's the way it is. thanks for suggestions, though.


    matt bjerk

  10. I'm running into a weird problem with bones. I've never had this happen before, and I'm just wondering if anyone else has run into it.


    I am running an old version (9.5s), but I'm at work and I can't do anything about it right now.


    Here's the problem:


    While working in choreography, everything will appear to be normal. I'll switch to action mode and suddenly, for no apparent reason, the bones get really weird.


    The bones do not completely redraw (only the circle at each end of the bone, and the smaller end at the base of the bone. ) also, a 'ray' comes out the base of the bone, projects out a ways and then curves off and ends. This doesn't immediately crash the program, and the bones still function correctly. The 'rays' even translate and rotate with the bones as if they are part of the bone. If I do much manipulation of the bones at this point the program crashes.


    I've had this exact problem happen on two different computers, but only with certain models.


    I think there may be some 'hidden' error in one of my models, because this has never happened before, but it consistently happens if I use a particular model.


    I was going to include a screenshot of the problem, but attachments are a no-no. any help would be appreciated.


    matt bjerk

  11. I can help with one of those three anyway. if you want to see the normals, go in options, under the modeling tab, and there is an check box to display normals. then if you need to flip any, just select the ones facing in and right click, then select "flip normals."


    hope that helps!


    mat bjerk

  12. Greetings,


    I'm working on my senior project, part animation, part live action, and I'd editing it on my schools avid system. I'm just wondering if anyone has worked with avid before and knows some codecs that import well. I downloaded the avid codec from Automatic duck , but it doesn't seem to work with A:M. thanks for any info.




    here's the link for automatic duck if anyone's interested:



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