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  1. Thanks everyone! I posted the links to the models and other files used in the film here for anyone who wants to use them: character models: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39752 misc models: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39753 actions files: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39754
  2. Well, I havn't shown my face around here in 2 or 3 years, and for those of you that remeber me I was working on the project known as Super Mario Film awhile back. Although that project had died years ago, I decided that I'd finish the first scene of it (which in my opinion was the best scene), and call it the finished product. You can view it here: Thanks to the members who helped create this video: Nunsofamerica the_black_mage thetanman d34th5t4r Chrury Sanson tido totlover Jequed case And if anyone's interested in downloading the models from the video (plus other models such a princess peach), I'd be happy to upload them so that everyone can use them.
  3. I started this entry over a month ago and then got sidetracked, but during the last few days I was able to finish it. I'll probably finish another entry after this, but it will be a quick one. passthebal1l.mov
  4. I've seen the pass the ball before this and liked it so I want to join. Is it okay to make more than one video?
  5. I've only come up with one or two names for all the characters so far, not including the ones above. Anyone who wants to suggest something can tell me. The show is divided into 3 to 5 minute episodes. Each episode has its own separate plot, and if everything goes well it might reach 20 or more episodes.
  6. Here's a few more characters (no names yet): These three characters like to hang out together and they're in a rock band. The one singing has a sort of deep voice and lives a laid back lifestyle. The one playing the drums (yes, he can play without hands) has a real scratchy and hyper voice. His mouth doen't move when he talks. He gets board easily and is always looking for something else to do. The character playing the guitar on the right is the only person that doesn't talk in the show and is always smiling. He is usually listening to music, playing the guitar, or just doing his own thing.
  7. Thanks, I'll be glad to send you some scripts. Here is one of the characters in the show. As you can see, I've kept the characters fairly simple, which I think is good for comedy. This character could be described as jolly, young, and naive, and has a sort of high-pitched voice. He spends most of the time at his house watching TV or trying to hang around the people who he thinks are 'cool', which usually gets him into trouble.
  8. Hey everyone, most of you who know me know that I have mostly been posting in the topic Super Mario Film, but now I feel less inspired to finish it. Lately I’ve been feeling more creative, and working on a project that was a spoof of nintendo’s super mario brothers didn’t feel right. So I decided to bring the project I had been working on before back to life. Three years ago I started having an idea for a show that featured 8 characters who lived near each other on an island, and they would do all kinds of stuff. Over the years I’ve come up with tons of funny ideas for the show and developed the characters so much that now they feel like a part of me, and it would be a waste not to continue with it. I’ve already made and rigged the characters so I should be able to make some episodes, but there’s one problem: I want this show to be funny, but my voice doesn’t sound good enough to fit the characters. So now I’ve mostly ignored it and stopped working on it, since having a show with cheap cartoon voices wasn’t appealing to me. But I thought there might be someone else on this forum with a hidden voice talent that they could use for the show. If anyone’s interested let me know. I’ll post some pictures of the characters later.
  9. Okay, I've had this video for about a month now: mario_intro.wmv But then after wathcing it enough I realized that the very beginning was uninteresting since all that happened was a bunch of close-ups of characters, and it didn't have much of a flow to it either. So I'm replacing the beginning up until the part where the shell takes off with a much more interesting/ambitious intro. You'll have to see it for yourself after it's all finished. Also I'd like some crits on the video above even though it's not final.
  10. Most of the modelling is done already, but here are the things we still need: Some props for the hallway in princess peach's castle The clown copter A TV and couch for bowser ...or you can look through the script for anything else that needs modelling. And if you, or anyone, has any ideas for what could go on at the part at the beginning (before mario goes down that one pipe), please tell me. It is seriously the hardest thing to do right now.
  11. It's great you want to work on this some more. I thought everyone else gave up trying to finish this. Right now I'm trying to remake a lot of the scenes so that they will be more interesting (mainly the scenes at the very beginning), and when I'm done I'll need someone to light and texture the scenes. So if you think you can do any lighting or texturing it would help a lot since I'm not very good at either of those. Oh, and I also finished making the koopa and piranha plant, if you have any ideas for scenes they could be in. Here's a couple pics:
  12. I havn't been doing any animating for a while but I'm glad everyone likes it so far. Anyways, after watching the video I just posted, I noticed that there isn't much indication that the pipe mario is running in is connected to the bathroom. So, I've mostly been working on how to make it look like it's connected. For the very beginning of the film, the sun will be rising and the castle comes into view (peaceful music will be playing). And a koopa (we could use him after a few adjustments to the model) will be walking peacefully along then look up and the next thing you know he'll be laying unconcious. (music switches). Then the rest continues from there. Then later, before mario jumps into the pipe that leads to the bathroom, he will do the same thing except be running towards the castle with a pipe that has caution signs around it. So for the first part, where the castle comes into view, I wanted more depth to the scene, so I added some mountains far away, but right now they look close to the castle instead of far away. So how do I set the scene up so that things fade away with distance?
  13. Thanks for all the tips. The blending actions were very useful. This next video shows a few extra scenes including some adjustments to the bathroom animation I showed eariler. Some of the scene transitions are a little slow but I'm just focusing on the animation for right now. So if there's anything wrong with the animation, I wanna know. mario_bathroom.mov
  14. Now back to the animating. In one of the scenes mario is going to jump out of a pipe then land on the ground and start running. So how would I transition an action of mario jumping out of the pipe to a run cycle action?
  15. Finally, I think I've found one that might fit. Tell me what you think: http://vglan.com/music/view/1277/
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