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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

v19 Keyboard Shortcuts


Animation:Master Keyboard Shortcuts

Command Description Shortcut
File:New:Choreography Add a new Choreography to the current Project.
File:New:Model Add a new Model to the current Project.
File:New:Action Add a new Action to the current Project.
File:New:Material Add a new Material to the current Project.
File:Open Open an existing document Ctrl+O
File:Exit Quit the application; prompts to save documents
Project:New Create a new project
Project:Open Open an existing project
Project:Close Close the active project
Project:Revert Returns the Project to its previously saved state.
Project:Save Save the active project Ctrl+S
Project:Save As Save the active project with a new name
Project:Consolidate:Project as text file (*.PRJ)  
Project:Consolidate:Project as zipped project (*.ZIP)  
Project:Embed All Embeds all materials, posteffects, models, lights, actions, and choreographies into the project.
Project:Delete empty folders Delete empty folders
Project:Recent Project Open this project.
View:Status Bar Show or hide the Status Bar.
View:Project Workspace Show or hide the Project Workspace panel. Alt+1
View:Timeline Show or hide the Timeline panel. Alt+2
View:Libraries Show or hide the libraries window. Alt+5
View:Properties Show or hide the property panel. Alt+3
View:Pose Sliders Show or hide the pose sliders panel. Alt+4
View:Community Show or hide the Community window. Alt+6
View:Workbook Show documents as worksheets in a workbook.
View:FullScreen Toggle Full Screen Mode on or off. F11
Tools:Options Change options Ctrl+P
Tools:Customize Customize the toolbars and keyboard shortcuts.
Help:Help Topics List Help topics
Help:Tip of the Day Displays a Tip of the Day.
Help:Reset Settings Reset all settings to their default values
Help:Look for updates Check the hash support page for updates
Help:About Animation Master Display program information, version number and copyright
Next Keyframe Advance to the next keyframe. + Shift+Num +
Edit:Select Spline Toggle the state of all control points on the selected spline. ,
Previous Frame Jump to the previous frame. - Num -
Edit:Invert Selection Toggle the state of all control points. .
Edit:Group Connected Select all control points on the selected spline. /
Edit:Snap Group To Grid Snap the selected control points to the grid. '
Shaded/Wireframe Set the current drawing mode for this view to shaded with wireframe. 0
Show Normals Toggle normals on and off. Shift+1
Show Gridhttps://forums.hash.com/index.php?/discover/# Toggle the grid on and off. Shift+3
View Settings Open View Settings Dialog. Shift+4
Onion Skin Toggels Onion Skin Mode. Shift+5
Default Interpolation Set the Interpolation method for the selected CP's to Default. 6
Toggle Back Face Culling Toggle back face culling. Shift+6
Default Drawmode Use model's draw mode. 7
Wireframe Set the current drawing mode for this view to wireframe. 8
Show Particle/Fur Toggle particle/fur drawing on and of. Shift+8
Shaded Set the current drawing mode for this view to shaded. 9
Snap to Surface Snap the added cp to the nearest surface Shift+9
Snap Group To Surface Snap the selected control points to the next surface. Ctrl+9
Next Frame Advance to the next frame. = Num +
Perspective Toggles perspective mode in this view \
Select Deeper Jump to next object behind currently selected object. ]
Previous Keyframe Jump to previous keyframe. _ Shift+Num -
Attach Control Point Attach Control Point `
Add Mode Enter Add mode A
Edit:Select All Select all control points. Ctrl+A
Add Lock Mode Enter Add Lock mode Shift+A
Bound Bound B
Bound Branch Set the draw mode for the selected branch to Bound. Shift+B
Curved Curved C
Edit:Copy Keyframe Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard Ctrl+C
Curved Branch Set the draw mode for the selected branch to Curved. Shift+C
Show Decals Turn Decal drawing On/Off Ctrl+D
Extrude Mode Enter Extrude mode E
Flip Normals Flip the normals of all connected control points. F
Jump To Frame Enter the frame number to jump to. Ctrl+F
Edit:Find longest Actions Find and expand the longest actions in the choreographys Ctrl+Shift+F
Group Mode Enter Group mode G
Lasso Draw Mode Enter Lasso Draw mode Shift+G
Hide CPs Hide all unselected Control Points H
Window:Tile Horizontally Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles Alt+H
Hide More Hide all unselected Control Points Shift+H
Invisible Mode Set the draw mode for the selected object to Invisible. I
Invisible Branch Set the draw mode for the selected branch to Invisible. Shift+I
Bone Visible Make the selected bone visible. J
Bones Visible Branch Make the bones visible for the selected branch. Shift+J
Break Break the selected spline K
Detach Point Detach the selected control point. Shift+K
Lathe Lathe the selected spline L
Move Enter Move mode M
Translate Mode Set manipulator to translate mode. N
New Create a new document Ctrl+N
Smooth Smooth the selected Control Points O
Peak Peak the selected Control Points P
Patch Group Mode Enter Patch Group mode Shift+P
Render Mode Enter Render mode. Q
Render Lock Mode Enter Render Lock mode. Shift+Q
Rotate Mode Set manipulator to rotate mode. R
Rotate Group Images Rotate Group Images Ctrl+R
Scale Mode Set manipulator to scale mode. S
Edit:Search Object Display the Search dialog. Ctrl+Shift+S
Turn Enter Turn mode T
Edit CP Weights Edit CP Weights U
Vector Vector V
Edit:Paste Keyframe Insert Clipboard contents Ctrl+V
Window:Tile Vertically Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles Alt+V
Vector Branch Set the draw mode for the selected branch to Vector. Shift+V
Edit:Paste Mirrored Paste the copied keyframe while mirroring "Left" to "Right". Ctrl+Shift+V
Delete Deletes the current selection Delete
Move Down Move the selected object down one pixel. Down Shift+Down
Play Range Play the selected range of frames. End
Last Frame Advance to the last frame. Ctrl+End
Edit Mode Enter Edit mode Esc
Help Display help for current task or command F1
Help Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows Shift+F1
Modeling Mode Enter Modeling mode F5
Bones Mode Enter Bones Editing mode F6
Muscle Mode Enter Muscle Motion mode F7
Skeletal Mode Enter Skeletal Motion mode F8
Choreography Mode Enter Choreography mode F9
Loop Toggles looping mode on and off. Home
First Frame Jump to the frame 1. Ctrl+Home
Edit:Make Keyframe Force all filtered values on the current frame to be a keyframe using designated keyframe modes. Use Shift for advanced dialog. Insert
Move Left Move the selected object left one pixel. Left Shift+Left
Decrease Subdivisions Decrease the number of subdivisions in shaded mode. Page Down
Bottom View Set the selected window to Bottom View. Num 0
Camera View Set the selected window to Camera View. Num 1
Front View Set the selected window to Front View. Num 2
Light View Set the selected window to Light View. Num 3
Left View Set the selected window to Left View. Num 4
Top View Set the selected window to Top View. Num 5
Right View Set the selected window to Right View. Num 6
Bird's Eye View Set the selected window to Bird's Eye View. Num 7
Back View Set the selected window to Back View. Num 8
Increase Subdivisions Increase the number of subdivisions in shaded mode. Page Up
Edit:Deselect All Deselect all selected control points. Enter
Move Right Move the selected object right one pixel. Right Shift+Right
View:Refresh Redraw the current view. Space Ctrl+Space Shift+Space
Next Object Select the next object. Tab
Previous Object Select the previous object. Shift+Tab
Move Up Move the selected object up one pixel. Up Shift+Up
Wireframe Wireframe W
Window:New Window Open another window for the active document Alt+W
Wireframe Branch Toggle Wireframes on and off for the selected branch. Shift+W
Shaded Shaded Mode for the Selected Model X
Edit:Cut Keyframe Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard Ctrl+X
Shaded Branch Toggle Shaded on and off for the selected branch. Shift+X
Insert Insert a Control Point along the selected spline Y
Edit:Redo Redo the previously undone action Ctrl+Y
Zoom Enter Zoom mode Z Ctrl+Shift+Z
Edit:Undo Undo the last action Ctrl+Z
Zoom Fit Zoom to fit in window. Shift+Z
Previous CP Select the previous Control Point. {
Next CP Select the next Control Point. }
File:Close Close the active document
File:Import:Model (*.MDL) Import a Model file into the current Choreography.
File:Import:Prop Import a Prop into the current Choreography.
File:Import:Light (*.LIT) Import a Light file into the current Choreography.
File:Import:Camera (*.CAM)  
File:Import:Choreography (*.CHO) Import a Choreograhpy into the current Choreography.
File:Export:Model (*.MDL) Export a Model file from the current Choreography.
File:Export:Light Maps Export Light Maps from the current Choreography.
File:Plugins Here  
Edit:Delete Keyframe Delete the keys in the current frame a keyframe using the designated keyframe modes.
Edit:Move Frames Display the Move Frames dialog.
Edit:Delete Frames Display the Delete Frames dialog.
Edit:Reduce Channels Reduce channels
Project:Project Plugins Here Insert Project Plugins in this location
Window:Cascade Arrange windows so they overlap
Window:Arrange Icons Arrange icons at the bottom of the window
Window:Close All Close all open windows
File:Create Icon Renders the current window as an Icon for the library bar.
File:Import:Model (*.MDL) Import a Model file into the current Model.
File:Import:Light Files (*.LIT) Import a Light file into the current Model.
File:Import:Camera Files (*.CAM)  
File:Import:V4.x Segment (*.SEG) Import a Version 4.x Segment file into the current model.
Edit:Paste with Bones  
File:Import:Model (*.MDL) Import a Model file into the current Action.
File:Import:Light (*.LIT) Import a Light file into the current Action.
File:Import:Camera (*.CAM)  
File:Export:Model (*.MDL) Export a Model file from the current Action.
Action:Clear Clear the selected action.
Action:Create Pose Create a pose
Action:Bake (Remove Constraints) Create a new action from this action that does not have any constraints, but has same motion.
File:Save Light Save the active document
File:Save Light As Save the active document with a new name
Edit:Delete Delete the selection
Edit:Select All Select all text
File:Add to project Add Animation to Project
File:Create Preview Create a still image preview representation of the current view.
Show Rulers Show Rulers.
Key Skeletal Translations Include skeletal translations when doing keyframe operations.
Key Skeletal Scaling Include skeletal scaling when doing keyframe operations.
Key Skeletal Rotations Include skeletal rotations when doing keyframe operations.
Key Constraints Include constraints when doing keyframe operations.
Key Muscle Include muscle when doing keyframe operations.
Key Bias Include muscle bias when doing keyframe operations.
Key Pose Include pose motion when doing keyframe operations.
Key Other Include all other channel items when doing keyframe operations.
Key Bone Use only the currently selected bone when doing keyframe operations.
Key Branch Use the selected object and descendants when doing keyframe operations.
Key Model Use the current model when doing keyframe operations.
Frame Scrubber Slide to set the current frame.
Standard Mode Set manipulator to standard mode.
World Space Show manipulators in world space.
Show CPWeights Show CPWeights for the selected Control Point.
Show Bias Handles Show bias handles for the selected Control Point.
Show Manipulator Properties Show manipulator properties
Snap Manipulator To Grid Snap manipulators to nearest grid interval.
Compensate Mode Compensate for any change made, so that dependents do not move.
Magnet Mode Move surrounding CP's proportionally from the selected CP
Mirror Mode Mirror work across y axis
Define Relationship Enter define relationship mode
Animate Mode Moves the object only at this frame versus at all frames.
Distortion Mode Enter Distortion mode
Grooming Mode Enter Hair Grooming mode
Dynamics Mode Enter Dynamics Motion mode
Render Animation Preview Render Animation Preview
Render to File Render to File
Play Animation File Load and play an animation file.
Lasso Line Mode Enter Lasso Line grouping mode
Lock CPs Lock all unselected control points.
Make Five Point Patch Make the selected points a five point patch
Biased Normals Set group to Biased style normals.
Perpendicular Normals Set group to Perpendicular style normals.
Attach Bone Attach the selected bone to its parent's bone
Detach Bone Detach the selected bone from its parent's bone
Add Spring Add a spring to the current Spring System.
Lock Bone Lock the selected bone.
FK Mode Enter FK Edit Mode
Brush Mode Enter Brushing Mode
Lengthen Mode Enter Lengthening Mode
Density Mode Enter Density Mode
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