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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • *A:M User*

So why is it that your ability to find an item is always inversely proportional to your need to find that item?

I can't find my flash drive with my AM license backup, so now I will have to email Hash. I guess my other option is to put

my old HD back in my laptop for a bit and pull it off there.

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  • *A:M User*

Yeah, I knew that. I had backed it up (or thought I had) to my flash drive. Which I found, btw, but it doesn't have the master0.lic file on it.

So I need to pull it off the other drive, just don't feel like dismantling my laptop to do it (just yet). So I'll make do with my old disc-based version of AM until I get round to it. Maybe I'll practice rigging or do some tutorials in the meantime, since I won't be able to access my v17 data.

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  • Hash Fellow
So why is it that your ability to find an item is always inversely proportional to your need to find that item?


I've found that the surest way to have lost item reappear is to buy a replacement.

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