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  1. As part of the 2015 Open Studio plan, I thought that I better throw my sketchbook up here with some concept sketches of some of the locations, props, characters, etc of things upcoming... One of the main locations is a bar called "The Waterhole" at the Oasis of Lund. There will be a lot of buildings, and set pieces that will be good beginner projects for apprentices to work on (Details to come...).
  2. Post Pitch Bible with character descriptions and art, to communicate the characters and setting for the benefit of A:M users who are interested in working on the next short. Post storyboards for episode 2, episode 3 (more?) Create an animator bootcamp thread, similar to what was done on TWO--Ninja Training Camp. Upload the Ninja Pass assets for interested participants to use. Recruit crew for episode 2. Crew will have access to all of the TAR of Zandoria assets (I would like to get Hash's help to use the SVN system developed for TWO). I will work out the details of open license that I have discussed previously...We will start with just this crew, building a 2-3 minute short. Participants will have a percentage stake in the rights of the film, and I will disburse any revenue with them. I have been working full-time on this and freelancing for the past year--I quit my day job at the end of 2013. It has been scary, humbling, exhilerating, depressing, gratifying...I've been all over the map, emotionally. While I was able to create the first short by myself, I also realized that it would have gone faster working with other artists, and it probably would have been better. I realized that I really have NO CLUE when it comes to distribution, or pitching, or fund raising--or just getting people to watch it for FREE on YouTube! Yet I look at my poster of TAR on the wall, and I know that I can't give up...I've toyed with the idea of trying to do it as a graphic novel, or something easier for a solo artist to pull off, but I think that is just the old fear (of failing...). I've proven that I can create an animation! True, it isn't as polished as it could be, and I had to cut some corners, But, I did it... I have been in a kind of creative drift since uploading "Marked for Death"... I guess that I just thought that if I finished it, that people would see it and then somehow I would be successful/validated/loved? I dont know..It's kind of crazy. The afterbirthing of a huge project seems to take as long as the delivery! Now I'm ready to continue, to take it up a notch, to bring my (our) dreams to life. I believe that an open project like TAR of Zandoria is the hope and future for this community of artists and animators. It isnt about just software.. an Open Studio creates the ecosystem for the artists to collaborate, for newbies to aspire to learn, for mentors to coach, for the software to gain subscriptions, There is something in it for YOU, whether you are a modeler, rigger, animator, programmer, or cheerleader!
  3. If you want to be an animator on this project, you will want to download the character assets and try them out! Send me an email zandoria@gmail.com with the Subject line: "TAR assets". Include your contact details (Name, address, phone #, forum username), and I will send you a download link. Please DO NOT share the link, as I need to control who has access to my Intellectual property. These files are the property of Zandoria Studios. You may NOT share or modify these models or textures, or re-purpose them for any other project. A limited license is granted to use these models for animation practice and to share the renderings and animations online at the Animation:Master Forums, or your personal website or YouTube Channel. You must display a credit that says" ©Copyright Zandoria Studios. Used with permission". Post your animations and tests here in this topic for feedback! Mace-test.mov
  4. OK here is some concept art and synopsis for the next episode of TAR of Zandoria THE CROSSING A group of wildebeests are on the side of the river. A boat is there. The leader of the group hands TAR a bag of coins, as the wildebeests all climb into the boat. TAR wades across the river, pulling the boat with one hand. The wildebeests look nervously about. There is an "aquarium" style shot, so that we can see above the surface of the river and below it at the same time. Crocodile warriors rise up out of the water around TAR. One of them plucks a momma wildebeest out of the boat, while TAR is fighting with two others on the other side. The wildebeest passengers are in a panic. TAR kills the two crocs that he is fighting. All the Splashing and thrashing about ends and the water becomes murky with blood. The passengers are still looking about, agitated and afraid. TAR hauls the boat onto the shore of the opposite bank of the river,and the wildebeests scramble out. The wildebeest leader is angry. Waving his hands around, points at the water, the boat, and the orphaned child (who is crying for his momma). TAR looks back at the water and realizes that one of the passengers is missing. He reaches into his pouch and takes out one coin. He shrugs his shoulders and give the refund to the wildebeest. TAR returns to the boat, collecting his gear, while the wildebeest travelers walk off, continuing on their way. END
  5. Here is the Pitch bible for this series. If you have feedback or suggestions, I welcome it! I haven't "submitted" it yet, so any improvements that might help this show get picked up would be awesome. Of course, maybe the show won't get picked up, but this document still serves to guide where this project is going TAR, Pitch.pdf
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