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  1. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: New All it's now possible to C&P viewportsettings from one window to another one open the "View Settings" dialog for the source window , push "Copy", open the "View Settings" dialog for the destination window, push "Paste" Minor Fix Bullet Soft Body -> Advanced Options -> Subdivide this property is now only displayed, if no Hooks or 5Pointers in the model(before it was still ignored at simulation time) Fixed All 0006961 Font Wizard Freeze Fixed All 0006960 Crash on DXF Export Fixed All 0006957 Crash on quit Fixed All 0006956 Patch images don't render Fixed All 0006871 Drag decaling in Action View dragging a image into a action view or over a model in a action, has now the same behavior as doing this in a modelling window Fixed All 0006951 PushCPs doesn't PushCPs Fixed All 0006955 Crash on PRJ Save Fixed All 0006953 Crash after Render Fixed All 0006946 Polygon export creates faulty polygons fix can have sideffects for other export plugins too, external developers should check this Fixed All 0006952 Crash on Bullet Simulation Fixed All 0006938 Bullet simulates with stragne results Fixed All 0006948 Crash if "Clone CP Weights" used twice Fixed All 0006945 Crash after CTRL-Selecting bones in Chor Fixed All 0006943 Render>Show Bones, Show Grid not working Fixed All "World Space" button working again (has only effect in chor or action and not for Rotate Manipulator)
  2. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log Fixed All - 6834: Project with Hair Material does not load anymore and blocks A:M... Problem too much particles to render in realtime view Solution 1: hit escape key twice while project is loading (escape key stops now also realtime render for hair systems) Solution 2: set the "Density Factor" to 0,1% or lower (Default is now 1%) "Hair System" -> "Realtime" ,if "Quality" is set to "Shaded" Fixed All Bullet Constraint / Bullet Soft Constraint , not longer possible to attach this constraints twice to the same bone Updated All BulletBatch plugin added "Rolling friction" and possibilty to set the values back to default New All Plugin to modify parameters for bullet rigid constraints on multiple models a chor, only parameters where the checkbox "Set" is active are applied to the selected bullet constraints on choreographie -> "Modify Bullet Constraints on multiple models" New All new constraint "Bullet Soft Constraint" added, model with this constraint applied act as softbodys (deformable hull) in bullet simulation New All menu for Choreographie has now a entry "Remove Bullet Constraints" starts a dialog, where You can select the Bullet constraints , You want to remove from models (Extended selection in the listbox) Updated All help for Softbdy constraints added ("Display help for this propertie") Fixed All - 6835: Bullet simulates incorrectly Fixed All - 6832: Bullet crash Fixed All - 6837: Loss of "Play" and crash Bullet constraints are only attachable in a chor , not in actions. Fixed All - 6836: Fails to load project with external object under a folder Fixed OSX Only - 6845: v19D SSE 4.2 Fails to Load. Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libHalf.12.dylib A small note I have this for a bit but just got the chance to post it.
  3. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All - 6824: SimCloth crash Fixed All - 6823: SSS + Displacement Material = crash Fixed All - 6819: Hair guide CP's not easily controlled. Fixed All - 6821: Crash on Save after Model Swap New All Speedup for Simcloth with OpenMP , to disable this option set "Tools->Options->OpenMP Threads" to "Disable OpenMP" Fixed All - 6817: Mirror Bone crashes Fixed All - 6818: Simcloth crashes Fixed All Simcloth plugin fixed memory leak, when cloth simulation is aborted with "Esc" Fixed All - 6816: Group Select>Deselect>Copy causes PRJ corruption New All - 6813: Suggestion: CP Weights dialog box to remember last position Fixed All - 6812: Mirror Bone not mirroring CP weights completely Fixed All - 6815: Duplicator Wizard does not duplicate hooks Fixed All - 6808: Backup not saving current state of PRJ backup can now also maked as single backup (not timed) started from menu entry "Backup Project" or button (Commands->Standard, button can be added manually or with "Reset Toolbars"), a keyboard shortcut can be assigned ("Project:Backup Project") New All - 6809: Feature refinement: Progressive Render Limit Partially Fixed - 6796: Kleig light rim not blocked by object not fixed yet,when volumetrics is ON
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