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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Name
    Lee Kulik

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  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    Power Mac G5 2.3 GHz Dual Core 2.5 GB Ram Nividia GForce 6600 OSX Tiger 10.4.6

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  1. You might be right Ive just scrolled through the Giraffe section on the forum as it appears here too, which is where ive just started, and TeresaNord has experienced the same prob. Apparently its now called invert selection? The book needs updating I think. Im at work at the mo so Ill have a go later on. Thanks Ken
  2. Hi All Ive just completed excercise 10 FW 190 Fighter, and although I have completed ok, there were a few things that didn't match what I was doing to what was stated in the book and on the video tutorial? At a few stages it refers to going to the edit menu and selecting compliment group and compliment spline, but they are not listed under my edit menu. Im using version 13 (its the only one I have) and Im not sure if its called something different or it doesn't. Any Ideas?
  3. Yes those two have appeared in th UK, I can't remeber if it was early this year or end of last but they appeared on Channel 4 inbetween programmes on cult nights and dark comedy hours that sort of thing also they popped up a few times at the cinema's where one would usually end up being blended or decpitated, bit like Itchy and Scratchy os the Simpsons. Ill keep my eye out for them and keep you posted.
  4. Hi Im sure im bound to mess up plenty of times, its so complex. I keep thinking ahead about what I want to do instead of concentrating on drawing flowers etc. I have the complete guide on order due in next week, im hoping it'll cover most things in more detail. I find the guide that comes with software only skates over topics. Good Luck Lee
  5. Hi What system are you using? Mac/PC what OS? Is your V13 an upgrade? I have just got AM13 and im a beginner too, I have done the KeeKat tutorial and he works fine. The file came directley from Disk. I didnt have V12, I now that V12 on a Mac is the last version that will operate in Panther, V13 you need OS 10.4.6 for it to run due to the new Intel chip on some Mac's (V13 is universal though). If your on a PC then I cant help? Good Luck Lee
  6. Hi Im new to AM and im half way through the guide and if you havn't looked at it, I think you should as I wanted to jump in the deep end and get modeling my own stuff, but soon got frustrated. You have to learn to walk before you can run. Good Luck. Lee
  7. Hello all, I have just got up and running (unlike my animations) with AM 13, which is my first outing of any sort with 3D software. Im a Graphic Designer by trade and have always drawn things in my spare time, and im hoping start to bring a few things to life. Just thought Id mention to anyone about to buy or upgrade to V13 that on a Mac you will require an OS of 10.4.6 not 10.3.9 as stated on web and packaging, this caught me out on arrival of software. No probs though all up and working. Ive got to now concentrate and focus on getting the tutorials done before I can really start to play. I have a copy of the complete guide coming next week so I should have a good grasp of thiings in the following month. Would be very greatful of any advice anyones willing to give, like I said Im new to it all not just the latest version. Happy Animating. Lee
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