Yeah, I've read through a few of those plagiarism posts... I think that's just sad when someone has to steal someone else's works.
Anyway, I go to Lethbridge Community College (soon to be re-named Lethbridge College), Alberta, Canada. The program I'm taking is called Multimedia Production, which they are actually changing the curriculum starting in September for the new batch of students (it should be up on the site by now). The current curriculum format that I'm taking is supposed to train us to be multimedia specialists. I haven't ever been shown exactly what was intended to be taught to us about A:M, but we use it in our animation class along with mostly Flash and Adobe After Effects. We weren't required to buy A:M (or any software for that matter) since the labs we work in have fully furnished computers with all the Adobe/Macromedia software along with other things like A:M. However I am going to purchase A:M when I can actually afford it. If you just wanna know more about me and see some of my other random work (nothing else 3D related yet) I have an online portfolio.
And thank-you everyone for the responses!