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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Jeetman

  1. I'm not an expert at bump maps and you may know this already but I believe that when you flag a decal as a bump, the shades of the decal dictate if it's recessed or protruding. The lighter colors of the bump map protrude and darker ones recess.


    I think the gray color you're getting is actually the model color because the bump only controls depth. If you assign a material color or just a color to the group, it should change the color and still show the bump depth.


    You can try to do what I did which worked pretty good. Place the same "modified" decal over the bump decal but make sure it is flagged as a plain decal.


    I did this for my Sponge Bob model. Instead of modeling the pores of the sponge, I used a gray scale bump and then took the same gray scale layout and saved it as a new file. I then changed the gray color spots to an olive green and flood filled the rest with the same yellow color I used as my sponge material.


    I then placed the new decal (as a plain decal) right on top of the bump map which worked perfect. I attached a render. I still need to do the sides but you get the idea.


    I hope this helps.




  2. Thank you Teresa!


    Victor's tutorial is awesome!!! I love the way he breaks it down and explains exactly how the movements are applied and the reasoning for each pose.




    You're application of the techniques on Scarecrow is really good too!!!!



  3. Hello Teresa,


    Although I'm not an expert animator, I looked at your animaton and it looks good. About the only suggestion I'd give (based on acting out the movement) is, you might want to ease out the hunch just a bit to anticipate the end of the movement. It looks like he's hunching over at a constant or slightly excellerated rate. IMHO he should slow down just a little at the end of the movement.



  4. Dude,


    It looks really good but I agree with Luckbat. You should experiment with metallic materials to get a more realistic look if that's what you're going for that is.


    Keep up the good work!!!


    Just curious, how long did it take you to make it?



  5. T-Dogg,


    I too want to congratulate you on your progress. As I said in an earlier post, this is my favorite WIP. The model is really coming along and I can't wait to see the completed work.


    One question:


    This started out as a joint project.....where's Oakchas??


    Anyway, keep up the outstanding work my friend :)




  6. Thanks Jeet!


    The face is now as smooth as a babys butt ( I've alsways wanted to say that :P )


    I cut His hair to be about halfe as long. I think I'll make it a little longer.


    I forgot to attach the pic's so I went to my previous post and attached the pic's I outlined in my original post.



  7. Ive Lightnend the skin, dose it look better? Ive also modeled his helmet.





    The face still needs a bit of smoothing. Check out the attachments to see where I believe the problem is.


    Also, I agree with Case in that you need to either add eye lids or pull them down (if modelled) a bit to get a more natural look.


    It's looking good and I like the way you covered up the detached ear but the hair looks a little odd. His hair (in my opinion) should not protrude from under the helmet. He's wearing a military helmet so I'm guessing he's a soldier. The military would never let a soldier grow his hair that long.


    Keep the side burns to cover the ear imperfection but shorten the length. His hair in the back is definitely too long and you should get rid of the hair on his forehead that is sticking out from under the helmet.


    It's coming along really well so far. Keep up the good work :D







  8. Whiz, for some reason I think you're exaggerating. That doesn't seem like it could have taken you 2 minutes, but I'm slow, so I don't know how quickly someone can make new models. Anyway, I like you're idea, Black. It's very creative. I can't wait to see how it turns out.






    I'm with you in that I too do not model very fast either. My Sponge Bob I made took me at least 8-12 actual hours and the ant I made took me about 16-20 actual hours.


    When Whiz/Dude posted his spider leg design (that was base off of the picture I found on the web) to try to help out cuboos and noted that he did it in 10 minutes, I was very impressed because I KNOW that I couldn't have made a model with that much detail in 10 minutes. So just to let you know, you are NOT alone in not being a fast modeller.



  9. Cuboos,


    Excellent job in defining your character! It's details like this that let you know what your character can and cannot do. However I have to agree with Oakchas.


    You need to use a spell check and really proof read your text before presenting it. It's more enjoyable to read and is more professional that way.


    Other than that though, it's really starting to shape up my friend. :)



  10. One thing I'm adamant about is presenting clear and concise posts. Why not? The tools are there to help you.


    I use SpellCheck every time and I proof read my posts. If you submit your post, you can go back and re-edit it. I've never seen such a cool feature like that before but I don't really visit many forums.


    We have all the tools needed to clearly share ideas, ask questions and or offer comments so everyone can understand you. You just need to take the time to do it right. :)


    I have to agree with David in that, it is frustrating trying to translate poor spelling and grammar (sorry Case).



  11. OK,


    Either my questions were completely ignored (which I'm doubting is the case because everyone here is so cool), or were missed so I'll ask my questions again.


    T-Dogg and Oakchas,


    Are you guys planning on sharing the end models?


    If so, could you post your current wip? As I said, I'd love to see it in the model window to rotate and see it from different angles.


    If you do not plan to share the model, that's completely understandable. I'd just like to know.



  12. One of the things I like about the "WIP" forum thread is you can check out a project, go on vacation and come back to see the progress :) .


    T-Dogg and Oakchas,


    Of all the "WIP" projects, to me, yours is the COOLEST!!!.


    T-Dogg your progress is REALLY looking good. Excellent work my friend.


    Oakchas, can't wait to see your progress. From what I've seen, your's is looking good too.


    I have 2 questions:


    Are you both going to share your end models? If so, could you attach the latest mdl file? It would be sooo cool to load the model and look at it from different angles in the model window.



  13. COOL so you're going to use the ant after all!!!!!



    Good because I thought I had modeled it for nothing hehe ...well not for nothing actually. I did get good modeling practice and Black_Mage told me he'd use it if you didn't so the time was well spent.



    I'm just glad you decided to use it =)


    Thanks for the compliments Drvarceto and Zaryin it's really inspirational for me =)





  14. verry nice.. but in my own opinion i find the legs to be rather "too" simple



    I agree with Dark here. It looks good but could use a bit more detail in the legs.



    A possible suggestion is to maybe spit the leg into two cylinders and have them function with sort of a hydraulic spring mechanism system. Look on line at actual robots to see how they work. Dark_Jedi has an awesome droid model from the Star Wars movies that has a cool leg design that you could borrow from.


    Ask yourself these questions:


    What is your power source?


    This brings ideas of a central power source that might glow to add a cool effect.


    What allows your robot to move?


    What allows it to bend it's leg?


    What counter force slows it down?


    What fuels it?


    These questions are important because there needs to be a logical understanding of how your droid/robot uses his legs. By defining this, you then can get ideas of how to model it with greater detail.


    Like Black_Mage said, adding wires or maybe hydraulic tubes would definitely add more detail but don't just throw in random wires or tubes. Try to imagine a purpose for them.


    Obviously you're not designing a real robot but the more you think out the design, the more realistic it will be and subsquently, the more detail it will have.


    Hope this helps.





    EDIT: I found this pic when I did a search on google for robots and clicked on images. Just to give an idea of more detail http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...GLG:en%26sa%3DN


    EDIT: Oh man! This one blew my mind!!!! THIS is detail LOL




  15. Yes lord, I just ordered the new D. Rogers Book ... should be here tomorrow. :D After reading his A:M 2002, I had to have this one ...


    IT's out?!?!?


    Thanks for the post. I too have David's 2002 book and it's very good. I'll have to get the 2006 one too.



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