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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

ace one

*A:M User*
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Posts posted by ace one

  1. I am haveing such trouble on 6. what am I doing wrong? I cannot make one foot move up toward the door while the other stays on the ground and then have the other foot follow 10 frames later. if there are any pros out there please help me.

  2. why is it that if I start moving the charactors feet into the air and towards the door on frame 30, on playback the foot starts moveing at frame 1. I know it has something to do with placing keyframes. But that in it's self seems complicated. Could someone out there please take me through the prosses step by step, so his feet actualy start moveing at frame 30 instead of frame 1. Thanks.

  3. I know Exercise 6 is suposed to be an exam but I realy need help. First off I some how accidentaly erased it off of the AM disk. Is there any way I can get it from some where? The problem I was having is that I cant seem to keep one foot on the ground while he puts one foot on the door. If I animate his right foot to go up lets say between frames oo.oo.oo - oo.oo.15 and I then do his left from 00.00.15 - 00.01.00 they both go up around the same time. Could some one explain this to me step by step? Something about constraints or key frames. I need detail on this one friends. This one has got me stumped. thanx

  4. I am a new AM user and am haveing problems. In exersize 6 of the instruction manual" The Door Is Stuck", I can't seem to make the charactors feet stay up against the door for any length of time. The automaticaly come down no matter what frame I animate them to come down. Can any body help me?

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