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Everything posted by fredfrid
The official story of what happened to WTC 911 is just propaganda - a lie! Scientific proof shows the official story is a lie! [attachmentid=14257] [attachmentid=14258] Steven E. Jones is a professor of physics at BYU - Brigham Young University: http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/ He has written this paper: http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html You can find more from Steven E Jones here - Scholars for 9/11 Truth: http://st911.org/ He is telling the scientifical truth about 911 and the World Trade Center collapses. id01.mov
A new BlackBird dancing to music on the radio: [attachmentid=14245] [attachmentid=14246] Here is the birdmodel: [attachmentid=14247] [attachmentid=14248] blackbirdradio01.mov birdmodel04.zip
Thanks for answering! You are one of the ones I admire here on the Forums. You are giving me advices - You are welcome - But I understand, too! To me it can be good to do something - animating fast and dirty. Most ones have not that goal. I can understand that. But goals can be different. Someday I perhaps take my time doing something nicer. But it can sometimes be about to tell a story. Have a look at The Money Masters - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3510313821923167501 - and perhaps you will figure something out.
TOC - The Open Conspiracy [attachmentid=14219] [attachmentid=14220] The inspiration to this animation is from a book by the author H G Wells - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.G._Wells. The book is called The Open Conspiracy. And you can find it here: http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/hgwells/hg_cont.htm You can find more of his books here: http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/w/wells/hg/ In the book The Shape of Things to Come he predicted World War II and he also has predicted World War III in that book. The book ends in this way: Most known is he for this: War of the Worlds, Orson Welles, And The Invasion from Mars He has something to say about our world today - the last chapters in his book The Shape of Things to Come: You can wonder is this what H G Wells told us about? And what is happening now - our planet is in a turmoil: http://blogs.washingtonpost.com/earlywarni..._in_dc_com.html Someones tell us this: http://www.sianews.com/modules.php?name=Ne...rticle&sid=1062 Well - if you have learnt your history - listened to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz - you have perhaps understand something. The easy way to control a nations or a world population is to have control over the money. Some bankers have understood this! You can have a look on Federal Reserve and its secrets: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm And you can download a video to have a look and listen: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3510313821923167501 And back to The wonderful Wizard of Oz: The wonderful Wizard of Oz is about Bimetallism - a monetary standard - the gold AND silver standard Silver Shoes on a Road of Gold.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bimetallism http://www.ciao.co.uk/Essays__Review_5280649 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_int...ul_Wizard_of_Oz openconspiracy01.mov
Hope you will have a try and do something! PS It is so easy - not having to model so much and I hope you will use sound! Music and Talk! To me that is the thing. Having some talk and then an action - lipsyncing is so easy - I am just using three Control Points to lipsync the mouth - you can do the lipsync fast and dirty or you can spend a little more time on it and it will come out better - but perfect - not really - but cheating the eyes(brains) - it will go. So go for it!
Here are two models to try yourself: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20150
Here is something for you to analyze! And you can have a guess - what is this?
Thanks nixie! Showing that all animations do not need to be funny. And thanks Pixar and thanks heyvern!
Thanks for a nice answer! You told me: I believe it is impossible to discuss technical and artistic aspects if they have no meaning! no meaning for life! Animation lacking meaning are dead to me! And still they have to be "meaningsless" to say something about life. Sure I understand what you want to tell me - but I believe you are wrong. Animation is a language and like all languages it is about communicating something - trying to say something - giving meanings to things. I can tell you this is a coffeecup or this a cup of coffee - two different meanings - coffee and coffeecups having a meaning of life - giving life a meaning - to drink coffee in a nice cup - that is life! The utmost meaning is meaningsless. You can have a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zurvan Zarathustra was sitting in seven years meditating and one day he found out this about Zurvan and the two others - the bad one and the good one. And you can have a look here to understand that the thoughts of this guy has gone into three religions - giving meaning to some billions of people! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrianism But most of them have not been sitting in seven years meditating - they are just told namnes - using namnes - like coffeecups and coffe - and some superior name - giving meaning to their coffee drinking and ANIMATIONS! Well if you do not believe me - you better practice it yourself - meditating for a while. I do not find the name Zurvan interesting - you can use some other name of the meaningsless meaning/meaningsfull meaninglessness or you do not have to use a name! So really I do think and feel this has to do with animation both in technical and artistic aspects. Making an animation we have to use some concepts - like cups and coffe - and some utmost concept to relate those other concepts to - and we have to go beyonde concepts making an animation - because we can blend all concepts thanks to AM! PS Perhaps better do it - not talking about it? I believe we have to do both - talking and doing... I will be looking forward to look and listen to what you have done for the mini movie competition. So after having finished your movie - we can perhaps have a little talk...
Well - I have got some good critic on my pieces - someones think they are funny - it depends - everyone has not got the same taste. To me animation is animation. You can be both funny and serious. I belevie you are sometimes funny and sometimes serious. That´s life. That´s animation. I have to say I cannot understand people always wanting to be funny. You will get fed up with them. People not being able to have serious wievs they have missed something - missed one eye, one ear, one half of the brain and one half of their heart - they are crippled! OK! Now that was tough! This one: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20053 Street Boy, music video on chlid exploitation in India in Production That is a serious piece - not only laughing - I believe that is good! We have to respect each other. We are different. We have different opinions. We express ourselves different using animation exactly as we do as persons. Only laughing all the time? No, that is ..... trajcedrv - perhaps you have done something serious? Give me some example of yours! And I will have a look and tell you my opinion of your work! You are calling me priest - I believe the ones only doing funny things also are priests - funny priests - preaching the religion of funniness. And you are telling me do not talk about the origin of life! Why not? We have been here as humans in seven million years - let us try to stay alive some more years. Let us try to be both funny and serious - that is the way to be a honest human - not being funny all the time. As I see it now there are some bankers playing with us - using Hollywood to cripple our minds and hearts - making us believe animation have to be funny. We can have our own opinion. We do not have to listen to Hollywood and the bankers. And you are telling me - do not discuss the meaning of life in your animations - To be or not to be. That´s the question. I am not allowed to animate on that? Well! Animation is about life and death about crying and laughiing about hate and LOVE about everything and nothing and about something! Hope you can change your opinion, trajcedrv. And you are welcome to post a link to one of your animations and I will tell you what I think. Here is one of mine - trying to say something about Hollywood and how it cripples us - making boys to girls and girls to boys. Why - do they do like this? Mixing the sexes? I believe they want to cripple us - they want to make us think and feel about sex - not about everything - not about the bankers money. They are trying to rob us - take our money - taking our identities. For sure there are the ones thinking this is OK! But I do not think so - I do not want to be crippled myself and I do not want to live among others being crippled - crippling me. That is not funny! [attachmentid=14172] [attachmentid=14173] parrot08.mov
Here are some constraints I have made - kinematic and orient like - following this tutorial: http://demented3d.com/tutorial/toontutoria...gging/legs.html [attachmentid=14136] And I have followed this tutorial to get some IK: http://zrrp.com/tut/fkik/ [attachmentid=14137] But I cannot find Attach to Parent in the PWS?? How to turn it on? And there are so many more questions. Perhaps some bone to make the wings flap... And how to make the beak follow the head? Perhaps someone has made some animal and can give some explanations. There are models rigged on the AM CD - but no explanations... Perhaps someone is willing to give a little help with the BlackBird - I believe it can be good för every newbie on rigging to understand how to rig a bird - perhaps I can make a tutorial on it for everyone if I get some help. Here is the model: [attachmentid=14138] birdmodel03.zip
Parrot: -No more Hawaiian Pineapples [attachmentid=14096] [attachmentid=14097] CLICK TO READ USA TODAY parrot10.mov
I hope I can glue those piecies together. And hope someone can become glad looking and listening to them. Our world has gone mad. People here do not understand themselves - manipulated of media and the big money - the bankers. Disney buying Pixar. I was trying to buy Pixar myself - but the price was so heavy. And I believe - the ones on this forum have not got the money either? Man is seven million years old. We have been living in small groups. We have been able to see the one we are talking to. Realizing if the other one understands - becoming glad or sad. Now we are a big group - six billions - some of us are expressing ourselves on some forum. We cannot see each other. And the conversation is sometimes a bit hard to understand. But I hope someday we will understand each other! Let us try to respect each other. Here an example of my parrot saying: -What´s your handicap? [attachmentid=14090] [attachmentid=14091] And parroting a little more: -Peggy! [attachmentid=14092] [attachmentid=14093] parrot06.mov parrot07.mov
Deleted the shoulder bones due to trajcedrv´s recommendation. Now with FootTarget bones with Kinematic and Orient like constraints due to: http://demented3d.com/tutorial/toontutoria...gging/legs.html Perhaps better using nulls instead of bones as Targets? [attachmentid=14075] [attachmentid=14071] [attachmentid=14072] Having got some question marks on some Relationship folders! Why? [attachmentid=14074] bird02.mov birdmodel02.zip
Thanks for the tips! I thought I had to have hinges for the wings on the outside of the body - but as you tell me I do not need any bones connecting from the wings to the centerpart. Well I will take the shoulder bones away. My intention is to have the wings just "solid" - just one bone in a wing and a hinge. I believe I have to have some constraint??? One null for each leg? better explained in 'The art od A:M' - what is this? Something I can find on the web? Can I find something about setting up constraints on the web? If you have got time and if you like to help me you can download the model and make what you think is needed of constraints. It is a lot easier to understand that way. Perhaps I can do a tutorial on it! I do not find any good tutorials on making constraints in a rig. I believe every newbie on rigging has to understand - what to use of all the constraint possibilities. And thanks again taking your time answering.
I am trying to add Orient Like constraints - is that the way? Or some better suggestions?