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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by opticalFlow

  1. Hello. My hat goes out to the developers of A:M and everyone that helps make these forums a reality.

    A week ago, I had never even heard of Animation Master. My scope of 3D software was limited to Lightwave, Maya, and friends...man was i missin out! I ran into the A:M booth at NAB Post in New York and after a coupla demos, I was sold. My background is in video production, mainly non-linear editing, motion graphics, and visual effects...I never really had the time to dive into 3D land, let alone pay thousands of dollars, etc...now i've graduated college, currently in the inbetween lookin for a real job, and have time to spare - needless to say, A:M came into my life at the perfect time.


    So i spent the whole week going through the Art of Animation Master manual and online video tutorials (at times in utter glee, while others banging my head on the computer trying to force my brain to think outside of the 2D box)...I'm glad i went through all the excercises as they gave me a nice overview of the depths of A:M...but some lessons drove me nuts (for example the giraffe) since the instructions were too vague at times....however, I enjoyed the challenge. For me, the real manual exists online on these forums...i've also ordered the A:M Quickstart 2 and Siggraph Training videos as supplements...


    It dawned on me that learning all this useful info will only stick if I have a project to apply them to. So I've decided to put together a little online-based multimedia cartoon (I'll post the link soon so stay tuned). I fell in love with the toon renderer and want to learn the best ways to optimize that look...I'm sure I will have a ton of questions so bare with me. First off, is there any way to use video or an image sequence as a decal, or maybe project video through a light (like in Lightwave)...thas all for now, sorry for the essay format...i'll try to be more concise next time. Thanks again and I look forward to the wonders ahead...



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