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Posts posted by Robert-Jank

  1. Hmmmm i'd think he would have to be an energetic kid, i mean he is very adventurouse so...so mabe having him do a energetic jog with lots of looking around would be nice.

  2. Ahhh sw33t! Zelda is one of my favourite games i actually have all of em starting from the first nintendo system, i think i threw the newest one away...what was that called "Wind Waker?" anyways i just didnt like the story line at all....it completly threw out all of the other games....grrrrr makes me mad..

  3. oops that was me....ok i guess the woot town bit was just added into the script, however i was told that we where sopposed to follow the script....and just add "Extra Ideas from the book"

  4. Well make sure you Undock the community panel (this really wont solve your problem but will make sure animation master doesent just crash)

    for some reasone we have to do this with Alpha 10, not sure why, the problem i keep having is it doesent recive my files.....i keep trying but no luck...

  5. Well, i dont see how this would be to difficult. Just because he swings his axe at the person doesent mean we have to have his arm fall off...we need to get the feeling across that you hit him "Yes" but there are other ways of going about this...

  6. Hmmmm, Zelda had alot of action in it....i liked the way they set up there puzzles though....alot of having to "Go back and do something that can only be done if you go this way first and pull up the secret lever witch will light the torch, wich will then (After you pull out your stick) let you light your stick on fire run over burn down the web."

    Those kind of problems i find the most fun to figure out.

  7. The Saw-Horse he's gotta be in it. Basicaly hes this "Saw-Horse" that got brought back to life by magic powder. It could prove to be a useful item to people who want to travel farther quicker, well in the book anyways he was a good means of getting to where Tip wanted.

  8. Someone mentioned earlier about a girl being Woots companion? I was thinking That Dorthy could always be a possibility but we would have to think of a way to fit her into the script.



    I'm sure a whole lot of girls would love to play Dorothy. It may be impossible NOT to have her in the game.


    yea thats what i was thinking..

  9. Someone mentioned earlier about a girl being Woots companion? I was thinking That Dorthy could always be a possibility but we would have to think of a way to fit her into the script.

  10. This is working out well i have a freind who has read all the books, and im constantly asking him if he could see a person from the books in a game who it would be.


    of course im reading the books as well..

  11. that is really to bad..honestly, i dont know where we are...i wish the leaders of this thing could tell us......btw, i sent in a voice part when we where still doinground 1. But it was to be sent to a different email adress then the one you are givving us now. should i resend it to the email you are giving now?

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