Hi All,
I got AM back when it was version 5.0, and stuck with it up to 7.1.. I stepped out of the 3-D scene for quite a few years, and just within the last few weeks, dropped by the Hash site to see the changes they made in software. I was blown away at the improvements (though I still need to upgrade ). Anyway, I've been doing 3D game development and low-poly (I know it's a dreaded word) modeling as a hobby/sidebusiness for about a year now, and wanted to start doing some cinematic stuff. So, out comes my copy of AM... To make a long story short, I'm in the process of "re-learning" AM (you don't use it, you lose it), and thought that I'd get my feet wet by working on a new character. I was intending on using him for the Mascot competition, but after drudging along to get this far, I don't think he'll be ready in time. Anyway, here's a pic of what I've got so far. I've gotta give'm some ears and hair (I don't think I'll use much of the fur, but rather map the hair). Just shooting him out their as my WIP, and saying hi to the community!