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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by thejobe

  1. Hey everyone!


    I am just checking in to see if things are still active. Seeing the last updated was from last year and just wondering if A:M is still active or is slowing down for the time being. Haven't had any time to do any projects so haven't updated my sub so just wondering if still around and going strong.

    So hey to ya all. Hope you all been good!

  2. ok i have been running tests and this is the first problem i run into.

    just a plain cube with a solid color and an image with an alpha channel.

    the background should still have the solid color but in unwrap it goes completely transparent.

    how do i fix this? is it in unwrap or is it in the export settings?

    Screenshot 2017-10-07 16.25.14.png

    Screenshot 2017-10-07 16.25.33.png

  3. yeah im liking unity much better myself but these guys are stuck on unreal. i been at it for days and nothing makes sense to me. they keep saying edit blueprints but i have no idea what they are talking about. i will just have to not use alpha maps. which is going to stink but oh well.

  4. well i made the PNG and cookie cut them in AM then i baked the whole thing like you did in the instuction video and exported it as an X file. then brought it into unwrap and saved it as a FBX file. and then imported that into unreal.

    ill try a simpler model to see if its all screwed up still.

  5. well i got that program and i think i did everything right but when i pull the model into Ureal engine 4 its all screwed up. you think you can help me figure out what went wrong?

    this is what its suppose to look like.
    Screenshot 2017-10-01 15.28.54.png


    in unwrap it looks fine as well.

    Screenshot 2017-10-02 01.10.37.png


    this is what it looks like in unreal engine 4

    Screenshot 2017-10-01 17.49.40.png

  6. That is one heck of a request! but not something i haven't tried before.

    i tried to make a modular city a long long time ago. one that was single buildings with a play set style prj file that could be added and moved around to the persons liking.

    I had 5 or 6 different building types that could be scaled and moved anywhere in the play set. but this would have to be on a different scale since you want to be street view.

    where i had it set up to be skyline friendly.

    give me a little time to play around with this. ill will post updates how its going.

  7. If you want to get started with VR low end development starts around $100 for android system.

    either get the google cardboard or get the Samsung system. its a great way to get your foot in the door.


    they are still on the ground floor of VR. I have done a few things with the HTC Vive and Unity. its a steep learning curve if your not use to coding.

    but once you get the idea of what you are doing its not that bad. I still have like 30 courses left to take before I get total grasp at what im doing but after 2 months I got a working demo running on my own.

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