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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by teal

  1. triath5147 wrote:

    You already tried the model import option right? right click in the window, select import mdl. import your wing model and all decals, constraints and everything should be there.


    Yeah, that's what I've been trying, and what has consistently been crashing AM for me. I described my attempts in my previous reply in this thread. I gather it works for other folk using v9.5e, so I have no idea why it won't work for me. P'raps AM doesn't like my computer or something. :-7


    KenH wrote:

    I didn't notice...but have you tried to copy the cps of the model you want to import and then paste them into the other model.


    That works ok, but it doesn't bring the rigging with it. If I can't find another quicker way of doing it I'll do that and re-rig it all again by hand. But I'd rather find a better way, since I'd like this wing to be re-usable in a number of different models as it does work nicely.


    Ahh well, it looks like I'll give Hash support a nudge and see what they have to say. Thanks for the suggestions, folks. ;)

  2. JohnArtbox wrote:

    you can export a choreography as a combined model(right click on the cho in the PWS and select export as model, or you can import a model by right clicking ion your modelling window and selecting import model.


    Thanks for the tips. It sounds as though it should be nicely straightforward. Sadly I'm not finding it so in my case. When I try to export a chor as a combined model, I get an error msg ("Error Exporting [Choreography1] File."). I've tried this with a number of different models and it does this each time.


    When I try to import the wing model into another model as you describe, AM crashes. However, I have found that it works when other models are involved - specifically, it seems to work when I try to import models without constraints into other models. I've tried it with simple and complex models, and constraints seem to be the key factor regarding whether AM will or will not accept this.


    Any ideas what might be going on here? Or am I going to have to live with bringing the un-constrainted wing model into my bird model, then adding all the constraints again by hand afterward?




  3. I'm a somewhat-novice A:M user currently using v9.51e. My question is this: Is it possible to combine several models into one new uber-model?


    For example, lets say I'm trying to build a bird model. I've made a wing I like, and want to attach it to a bird body I made previously that was part of a another model. Other than just bunging 'em together in the choreography, is there a nice neat way of importing the wing (with bones, constraints etc) into the original bird model in PWS so that they can be saved together and used as a single model thereafter?


    I thought that some form of copy-and-paste should do it, or perhaps dragging stuff around in the PWS (eg trying to drag the wing model bone into the other bird model). But I'm not having any luck getting any of those "obvious" solutions to work. What am I doing wrong? Is it in fact possible to combine models this way in v.9.51e, or am I out of luck?


    Thanks in advance,




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