This is fabulous news, thank you for your diligence and effort to exlain! Your assistance is sincerely appreciated.
Fundamentally, I'm quite hungry for materials of any sort and am interested in aquiring the EnhanceDT in combo with my existing EnhanceAM set of mat's to expand my pallete of textures - It appears that these are the primary available sources of Mat's for AM yeah?
It looks like it will be quite a bit of work to get all of the ehanceDT textures built into my library, but for more mat's I'll take it.
I do see the issue with the preview - Any tips by chance on attaching the preview to the library link after this task is completed?
Render time is less of an issue to me than quality- I'm mostly developing stills for print. That being said, lower render times is always nice. What's your opinion on U/V texturing mapping vs Material utilization?
Thanks again to both of you for your help here.