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Everything posted by kungfudork

  1. hi gang, here is my latest lip synch attempt. this about the 3rd pass. it isn't as lifelike as i want it to be, but it is definitely the closest i have ever come to breathing some life into one of my characters. i guess i am my own worst critic, and i've heard this dialogue so many times that i want to pull my hair out. i love bruce cambell, but i think i have ruined this quote for me....damn. note to self: don't lip synch with something you really like, you will learn to hate it! anyway here it is, let me know what you think! LipSynch Test (645Kb quicktime) -dieter
  2. YES! this book is totally worth it! it is easy to understand and with the info available on this forum, it is pretty easy to setup in A:M. i got these results with only the simple setup, which uses only 7 pose sliders(w/o the tongue...which i haven't rigged yet) for the mouth and 6 for the eyes/brows. i am looking forward to setting up this character with Complex setup so i can get alot more control, but i must admit the simple setup can get the job done....and its fun to use! i think i am gonna just work with the simple setup for a month or two, get the basics of animating the face down and then step up to the complex setup. right now it is fun because there are only a few controls. ok, i don't want to ramble on and on..... but the book is well worth it! -dieter
  3. hello everyone, i can't believe how simple it is to animate the face with a setup like the one jason osipa sets up in "stop staring". i know this isn't pixar quality, but it is definitely the my best attempt so far at lip synch and this is only the second pass. i haven't touched anything but the lips and jaw, still need to rig the rest of the face....got a bit tired of rigging and wanted to play. anyway here it is (628Kb Sorenson3 Quicktime): LipSynch WIP please.....all critiques are welcome! thanks, dieter
  4. howdy hashers, well i finally got down to working on implementing Jason's method, and it has been a blast! i've learned a ton of new stuff about AM and really like the ease of use once setup. i haven't set up the entire simple system, because i think i am going to go back and do the advanced setup. anyway here is a little video of my setup so far. enjoy.....any comments welcome. WIP Simple Setup thanks, dieter
  5. here is some more progress. my free time is fading, but i really want to get this character finished.....might be really slow progress from here on out, but i will try to keep posting his updates. thanks for all the comments! -dieter
  6. Zaryin sorry to hear you are sick....there doesn't to seem too many people in this round. hopefully you'll be up to the next one. Parlo i'm glad you like it. thanks for the suggestion....now that you mention he does need some more chin so his lower lip won't be so limited. i am gonna work on that. currently i am working on adding detail to the nose. here is the lates render: thanks everyone. deadline is coming quick! gonna tweek the face a bit and then start rigging the face....1st go round i am gonna go with the jason osipa simple setup. hopefully i can get a quick setup to just play around and when i get more time i wanna do the advanced setup.
  7. hey steelshark i was in the process of trying that, when noel here informed me that beta5 is available......YIPEEE, i'm off the enjoy the copy/extrude fix! downlaoding it just finished. thanks, dieter
  8. thanks emailtim. i have run into a small problem since i have been using v11 beta to work on this model. currently i need to copy the left side of the face, then paste it, delete the old head, and then do a copy/flip/attach.....but currently the copy crashes the beta and it will be fixed in the next beta release, i am hoping that comes before the contest deadline i have this character in. i might just start to adjust the right side of the face by hand and shoot for the deadline. anyway, i am excited about this character...it is turning out to be the best model i've done so far....i am really getting anxious to rig him and get his facial rig done. i hope to have some updates soon! -dieter
  9. thanks mike. i chose dave because i want to work on my animation (non)skillz. i figured there is alot of funny stuff available(i just got the 1st season dvd) and i could even use the base model to make some other characters....like his rick james.....and i can't wait to do the crackhead (white lips and scratching his neck all the time......gonna be difficult but will be funny if i can pull it off). -dieter
  10. here is a little more progress. only a short time left for the contest, i hope i can finish up. i have tweaked the left side of the face and need to copy/flip/attach one more time....that is why the sides don't match. any comments welcome. thanks in advance! -kungfudork
  11. thanks for the quick replies everyone! i'm still not quite pleased with the side view...i don't feel it expresses the same type of character as the front. i need to find some side references of dave chappelle.... currently i just guestimated what i thought it might be. anyway here is the side: -kungfudork
  12. here is my progress on my new character so far. i am trying to enter the cgtalk modelling competition and also work my way thru jason osipa's book "stop staring". i can't wait to do some facial animation, but at this rate his head won't be done for another week or so(if time permits). let me know what you guys think so far and i will keep updating as much as i can. thanks in advance. -kungfudork
  13. trying to finish up "My Buddy", so i decided to try out the v11alpha hair. this is my first time using hair, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. hope to have him rigged soon. thanks, kungfud0rk
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