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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    Wolfram Esser

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    P4 3GHz, 1024 MB, 160GB, WinXP SP2, Ati Radeon 9800XL

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  1. Hi all, thanks for your answers. Actually my little Cube-Example is not my real project. It's only a stripped-down version of my problem. In my real project I want a plane to start (on a path#1) until takeoff. Then do some looping and join with two other planes, where looping and joining is more easy as a choreo pose-to-pose animation. Finally all three planes should do some "synchron dive-away". This last part would be most easy with some path animation. So I created path#2 - But no matter how I fiddle arround with the constraint settings: The plane(s) never follow path#2. So I created that "stripped-down" version with the cube. Maybe someone could check that out? Because slowly I tend ti think there may be a bug in AM 13r. Must be possible somehow to have more than one path that an object follows... I think. Any hints still welcome. Wolfram.
  2. Hi Rodney, yes I've done the walk&wave Tut and I know the purpose of Ease and Enforcement. But my problem is: Path#1 works as aspected. Only If I then (afterwards in the timeline) try to constraint the same object to a different path (path#2) - there simply nothing happens: The object wont follow the path#2... Maybe someone has an idea? Or someone could tell me (based on my attached project file) what steps are necessary to make the cube follow the path#2 AFTER the choreo action. Wolfram.
  3. Hi Splinesmen! I think this must be a rather simple question. Im using AM 13r on Windows XP. I just want an object to follow a path#1 (I know of Ease and Enforcement) - so this works great. At the end of path #1 my object has to do some "strange" movement, where a path is not apropiate. So I append a normal choreo action. Now my object "lands" somewere - and now following a different, second path (lets say path#2) would be the easiest for me. But I've no success in doing the last step. A added the second path. I set a path constraint on object with path#2 as target. But now matter how I edit Ease & Enforcement: MY object does NOT move along the path. In fact is does not MOVE AT ALL. I attached my project (in the state where the 2nd constraint is not yet added). Must be a stupid mistake on my side... - who can help? Thanks for a little "walk-through". Wolfram. 2Path_Cube.prj
  4. Hi Rodney, Hi Jon. Yes, I always wanted to some kind of "introducing" myself to the forum, and also show my work. (Maybe this would have avoided a little misunderstanding in the bigining). But (you named it: days in Germany also only have 24 hrs - and a third of them I'm asleep). But if you find time to watch my medieval stuff, don't miss my last (commercial ;-) ) work: A music teacher's magazine (where I do some occasionally coding, CDROM quizzes and stuff like that), always features a special instrument in their monthly issue. This time it was the "electrical guitar" and they drove to Warwick (a German e-bass and e-guitar manufacture) and made a 10 minute movie on "how is an e-guitar built?". They asked me, if I could do some animation on how a "e guitar pickup works". So, this was my storyboard (don't laugh at my quick drawings!): http://www.derwok.de/2d-3d/3d/guitar/guita..._storyboard.mpg And this is the final 3d animation, embedded into the real world footage: http://www.derwok.de/2d-3d/3d/guitar/guita...p_www_final.mpg Well, sure not 100% professional high class 3D stuff. But enough to tell 5th grade pupils how this thing work. OK. But I promise: I will do some "introduction" on the "New Users" board and show my last projects there (for a wider audience). Till then. Greetings: Wolfram (Hashing since A:M 2000).
  5. Hi! Yes, maybe "too much thinking" on my side. @Jon: Unfortunately (luckily?) as a full time software developer, I'm already in the situation that for two development projects I had to do the "3D" stuff - and yes: it was commercial. One result is viewable here: http://fries.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/dvd-edition/ An animated medieval 3D book, where you can flip the 300+ pages of the old handwriting in my virtual book on a commercial CD-ROM, all renders done with A:M, simply changing the decals of the 4 visible pages during one page flip. You can view a sample mouse interaction with the 3D virtual book here: http://fries.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/d...ml/features.htm So being not a high-end 3D guy (though using A:M as hobbyist since 2000), but already doing some commercial 3D - maybe you can now understand my license questions more easy ;-) - so it would be interesting to have a list of "commercial usable stuff" on the Extras DVD... - just some "customers" thoughts. Anyway: thanks to you both at clearing things up. Greetings from Germany: Wolfram.
  6. Hi Rodney, thanks for your comprehensive answer. Maybe it would be a good idea to put a text like your answer in the root directory of the next "Extras DVD" as "LICENSE.TXT" or something like that. Creative commons is quite flexible - you have lots of options. From public domain to "do not use commercially"... Maybe it would also be a good idea to genearate three or four "flavours" of licenses and ask every contributor what kind of CC he/she would prefer. Right now I feel a bit "intimmidated" by all those legal / unclear constraints on the "Extras stuff". You know: sometimes something starts of as a small "learning" project, you put a few props in and a few "helper characters from the DVD" and suddenly you find out: well this rocks and it gets bigger. And at some point maybe you go "public" (or even commercial?) with stuff you are not allowed to. This makes me think of "better not use any of the Extras" stuff? I scanned for "*.txt" files on the Extras DVD and only found 6-8 files. For thousands of files this seems too few to clear things up. I simply dont want to step on someones foot! Thanks anyway for your reply -and the loads of work you do in the newbie section! I really appreciate it. And though I write little, I read a lot! ;-) Maybe Martin can add some more "thoughts" to this topic? Bye: Wolfram.
  7. Hi Spline-Wrestlers, As I just got my 2007 subscription I was very happy about also finding the "AM Extras DVD ROM" in my package! Thanks to all the people who donated all that stuff and to the people who compiled it into this nice DVD. Maybe a typical "newbe" question... But now I wonder what I am allowed to do with all that fantastic material - especially the models & materials. I could not find any licence file or something like that. I think users would need some clarification here...? - What exactly means "donated" (as stated on the label)? Public domain? - Or is it all for my personal study and learning, only? If so: this should be stated somewhere. - Using it in animation and publish that stuff on my private - non commercial - website - that OK? - Publishing animations/stills with the items somewhere else (e.g. other 3D forums)? - What about commercial work? Can I sell an animation with an arbitrary character/prop/material from the CD? - Am I allowed to change the models/props/materials and then use them in commercial work? - Does the original author need some credits? - Are the models "public domain"? Can I do with them, what I want? - Can I put a changed/improved model back on my homepage for download by others? - Or re-donate it to the next "Extra DVD" - If I do so: Could I even sell a changed model/prop/material somewhere to someone? - etc... Don't get me wrong! I don't intend to do all that stuff (especially the last topics). But I made these extreme suggestions to show the bandwidth of unclearness, as right now there is no license or something like that. May I suggest that maybe one of the license texts of the "Creative Commons" collection fits to the material on the DVD? Could someone (who knows!) tell me, which CC-license comes closest? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons http://creativecommons.org/license/ http://creativecommons.org/license/publicdomain-2?lang=en http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ Thanks in advance. Wolfram. "Der WOK"
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