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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Lord Python

*A:M User*
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  1. I have modeled a tower and would like to "place" it in my back yard. Howver, I am still VERY new and as so my tower placement doesn't look as real as I'd like. Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do to make it look more realistic? I know I have to add a shadow and light and stuff. However, I havn't done any lighting tuts yet, and for the shadowing, I think I have to model a floor, which I'm not sure about either. Any help, (or just post a link to a tut that can help) would be great.. Thanks
  2. Rodney, here's 3 pics. Is this the effect you were talking about? 1. Middle spline as it is now 2. Middle spline deleted 3. Shaded with middle spline deleted
  3. are you talking about the entire center spline? As in, from a side view it look slike ||| and you want me to delete the middle one? If that's what you're talking about I don't think I can becaused the middle spline is pulled out some to give the edges roundess
  4. 1. Ya, I'm going to move his hat, but for semetrical modeling purposes I made it straight. The splines, I can work on. But when it comes to me and spline changing splines, that's a recipe for disaster 2. Yes, I know. I just put those in temporary I am modeling the limbs now. 3. No he's not, Mr. Peanut only has one eye, the other is a monicle, which I will model along with his cane. So does that mean that for each mouth movement I want him to have I'll have to create as a decal, and then fade between them?
  5. well, I made a few little updates to him. 1. I streatched the text on his hat (it looked to small). 2. I raised his bottom point so it looks more rounded. 3. As starwarsguy mentioned his midsection looked a little pointy, so I rounded it out. 4. I added the black spots on his right lower side. 5. I changed his coloring so he looks more like a nut than that yellow I had. In looking at pictures of Mr Peanut I've noticed that he doesn't have a normal peanut shell texture body. So, I may be able to get away with leaving him as is (but changing the coloring ofcourse). What does everyone think about that? Should I leave him flat, or create a peanut-shell bump map for him?
  6. As you can see below I am still piecing him together. The coloring is temporary and I am going to try making a bump map so he has the right shell. What I want to use him for, however, requires him to speak. I discussed this with a few people on the IRC chat and they said the best way to do it was to animate his face, then apply it to the model as a decal. Someone also mentioned that it is possible to use pose sliders with the decal so I could apply the decal and still change it. Does anyone know how this is done? This sounds like what I need to use.
  7. ha ha ha, that's awesome as for the pageup/pagedown I'm not sure what stage the wireframe pic was taken, but the mov file in my first post was as smoothed as it would let me do with pageup/pagedown. I'll try deleting that center CP, but I have a feeling that some of the shading may disappear, seeing as I'll lose that 5th point.
  8. shaded wire -
  9. I modeled these potion bottles and wanted a place to display them. So I modeled the table. However the bottles were lonely, so I modeled the vase and lamp to keep them company. Any suggestions (and I know there are going to be many) please post them. The Red, Green, and Orange bottles are pretty much textured. But I am wanting a more clear-colored-glass effect for the purple and blue bottles. I've tried messing with the settings and the best I've been able to come up with is what is in the pic. However I'm still a newbie, so I'm sure there's a way to do it. Thanks
  10. Hey all, this is my first finnished model I've done. I saw a Cingular commercial today and was like "that logo dude would be fun to make".... 6 hour later, and with some help from the IRC guys (thanks RodneyB and Larry_ I had a very good looking model. Click here to see him
  11. Hello fellow Hashers. My name is Adam, (AKA LordPython), and this is my first post. A little about me: Age: 25 Location: Ga 3D History: Started learning 3DS Max, and Maya 4.5. However learning by my self from books was taking too long. I have seen A:M down at Dragon*Con every year for the past 4 years and I would always stop by their demo and watch. Every time I would think "It would really be cool to have that" but then I would move on. Well this past *Con I finally said "ah what the heck, I could really use it" and got it. That was 7 days ago, and I now happily present to all of you, my first unassisted animation. Although it's only 4 seconds long, and roughly done, I'm still proud of it. Feedback is welcome knightwavetoon.mpg
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