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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by zacktaich

  1. Except for those of us who are going to have to wait a year for an upgrade :( . I'd definitely like to see this version, and those who bought it get the amount they were expecting when this was hyped as being one of the most major releases of major years, and when we were told (not necesarily by Hash Inc., to be honest) that we could expect new features in v11.5.

  2. Interesting that we never got to 11.5 like we were promised (well maybe we weren't promised it, but it was hyped quite a bit, and v11.1 is still in it's very early releases).


    Will we at least get v11.1 covered until it's fully stable (although it seems pretty good thus far)? I wouldn't want to see another example of what happened last time a CD was not supported for seemingly long enough.

  3. Thanks for the comments, Paul. I was entry #10.


    The chrome around the windshields and the sort of generic detail to the wheels makes me think you had a model.


    There was no model, and very little reference. Very few pictures exist, that I could find, of this model, and all are black and white, small, and grainy. Reflections were used to cover up total incompetance in texturing :P . Modeling I can do, texturing I can barely get by with.


    Here's a pic of the untextured model (this is slightly old, any easily spotted problems have since been removed):




    (I may break the link in a day or two, sorry).


    Also the front grill... Is that just a flat plane with an image map?


    You nailed it ;) . Some decisions were not entirely in my hands.


    Lastly, the tires need some tread or what ever they looked like back then. The tires also seem to be glowing a little. Is there any ambience set on that material? You should turn that back to 0 if so.


    Nope there aren't any treads as of yet, at least. A:M doesn't have a few of the tools that make things such as treads easy to do with a low patch count and in a reasonable amount of time, not to mention my references being completely lacking.


    Edit: Oh yeah, ambiance. There is no ambiance set on any of the textures. I know because I started lighting without any lights, and it's pretty easy to spot ambiance without lights. It may be an artifact of the skylight, or the gradient material on the ground, or who knows what.


    Once again, thanks so much for taking the time to look at my entry (and everyone else's).


    Zack Taich

  4. Here's what I might do, although it would be fairly complicated.


    Right now, his whole bike turns as one when he turns. In actuallity wheels follow slightly different paths and the first wheel must first turn and then the rest may follow.


    I'd make two paths, one for the front wheel and one for the back wheel and I'd tweak the path until it worked basically right, next you can either constrain the front wheel to turn automatically or you can animate him turning the handlebars.

  5. Here's what I might do, although it would be fairly complicated.


    Right now, his whole bike turns as one when he turns. In actuallity wheels follow slightly different paths and the first wheel must first turn and then the rest may follow.


    I'd make two paths, one for the front wheel and one for the back wheel and I'd tweak the path until it worked basically right, next you can either constrain the front wheel to turn automatically or you can animate him turning the handlebars.

  6. That's the porcelain. Your normals are flipped. We have quite a few threads of frantic people trying to figure out what this is ;) .


    Press Shift+1. This displays the direction of your normals.


    select all the points of a patch who's line is pointing inwards (your 5 point patches have this problem). Press 'f'. This should solve it. It may look a bit weird still after you do this to all of them, but once you close the project and reopen it, it should be fixed.


    It's really coming together. I like it a lot.


    Oops... you already figured this out. sorry for being repetitive.

  7. Look at all those yellows, no wonder it looked like crap when I converted. 


    No! you want those pointing out, it's the one's pointing in that are appearing invisible. check the tank treads, I see a few there. Use the patch selector tool (it's in the modeling tools) to select a patch, or select all the points of the patch and hit 'f' to flip the normals.

  8. Well, there aren't tutorials for everything, and frankly, that's the way it should be. You've got to use a little bit of creativity. Start out with the basic shape, you could really just extrude a 6 point near-circular spline and have a basic idea for most of the body. Then start to add definition to the head. Remember everything you've learned from past tutorials and all of the rules for splines (the most common mistake when someone makes their first non-tutorial spline model is forgetting the rules of basic splinesmanship). Make eye holes, fins, and a tail, have fun with making some teeth, cut some holes for gills, and bingo, you've got yourself a shark.


    Good Luck!

  9. The post to Ed was written in a friendly enough manner. From Ed's response I think he took it that way too. No need to exercise your new moderating powers yet. I'll be good.


    You know me, this has nothing to do with being a small time mod. :P

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