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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by DonR

  1. Hi All!


    Ive created a striped material in Hash and have applied it to a cylinder. The problem I have is the the stripes are horizontal and I want them vertical. Can I use this material as a decal or is there another fix?


    Perpetual Newbie

  2. Hi

    Im trying to do the hand tutorial on demented3D.com and am having some trouble adjusting the bias handles individually. I select a cp on a cylinder and see the handles then while holding down shift when I try to adjust one handle they both move. Shouldnt I be able to adjust each handle by itself? What am I doing wrong?


    Im using V13.0a on a PC.



    Don Rhodes

  3. Hi-


    If I am modeling a warehouse interior do I model to scale (ie preferences set to feet) like a warehouse with a 100 x 100 foot floor, and 20 foot high walls.




    Don Rhodes

  4. Hi!

    I having a problem with the settings in Shaun Freemans Particle Sprites tutorial. When I set the Rate of Emission to 15 for the smoke and 10 for the sparks they disappear. If I increase the rate of emission for either item above 35 they show up but much to intense.


    Im using version 12.0s.


    Thanks in advance for any help on this problem.


    Don Rhodes

  5. Hi


    I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Don Rhodes, I live in sunny and HOT Tucson Arizona. Ive been attempting to learn AM for many years (Im embarrassed to mention how long) but have decided to really give it a go this time. Ive seen AM progress and am impressed at how powerful it has become.


    I appreciate the opportunity to learn and improve my AM skills here.


    Don Rhodes

  6. Im doing the "Boning a Sack" tutorial in the Rodgers book, when I set a torso bone then connect another bone to it I see a "connect to parent" in the properties of the second bone, it is connected to the torso bone, and it is inset below the torso bone in the PWS.


    When I select the torso bone again and connect another bone to it I see the bone inset in the PWS but it is not connected to the torso bone tip or do I see a connect to parent" property.


    Cant bones be connected in a "Y" (left arm, right arm, torso) configuration?



    Long time AM newbie


    Don Rhodes

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