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Posts posted by MikeSanderson

  1. Absolutely Brilliant!!


    When you go, be sure to read "every" sign, label or text you see in a shot too.


    Pay close attention to the shapes & color related particular characters too.


    ....... and the subtext in the conversations is great too!


    You will laugh your Butt off!


    "Beware the Moon!"

  2. All of your comments are greatly appreciated. I've learned that whatever 10 people say, you can expect 100 people to split the same way.


    I guess some of us had the impression that feedback was expected, both pro & con.


    This is the first animatic we have seen & different points of view should be expected.


    In my experience the Director shows the Animatic, asks for feedback, then it is his choice what he takes or leaves from the feedback. We are just different points of view for him weigh out. Certainly the director has the final word.


    Animatics go thru many stages of refinement, so I would expect revisions continually throughout production until the shots are animated........even then there are edits & revsions.


    SO my question is, what is the purpose for showing the animatic?


    - To get honest feedback


    -To put it up for viewing & run with it as is

  3. I'm with Ken H on this as far as a "more "noble" image of the story in my mind" When I think of the Art direction vs this animatic it was like "Smurf meet LOTR"


    Will's Castle was LOTR Like & characters so far are Shrek/Pixar like, so what happy medium will we come to in all this?


    I envisioned more of a wonderous walk thru the Winkie Village & then being Overwhelmed/Awe-inspired by the Towering Tin Castle before him.


    Every respect is extended to Mr Taylor, as he certainly has his own impression of the story.


    It was just more kid-level/storybook than I expected. :blink:

  4. Hey Nancy


    I like the idea of a more fanciful & unique culture. It frees creativity & style by not trying to stck too closely to a look.

    The Mayan & Egyptian cultures had similarities, but they were uniquely different.


    BTW: I keep going back & looking at your "fountain" ..... an Absolute Thing of Beauty!!!!! :D


    We could certinly see smatterings of that style in the Winkie Village.

  5. Thanks Paul


    Another thing I envision is kids playing wearing Tin Hats & with Tin Axes.

    Like kids wearing Red Towels playing Superman, but these kids are playing Tin Man.


    Hearts can also be part of the Decoration. little girls with Red Heart Neckalaces& playing with Tin Tea Sets.

    .....also Tin & Scarecrow Dolls.


    And in your Drawings you show a Fountain,

    .............we could also have a Larger than Life Staue of TinWoodsman in the Square.


    People selling TIn Accesories with rivets, etc. .....designs that accent the Tin Body of TinWoodsman.

  6. WOW Really Great concepts Paul!!!

    Love the people ideas & the cottages!


    Something I keep thinking of is that since TinWwoodsman Rules from a Tin Castle, that there should be symbols of his Kingdom throughout the Village. Much like we wave our country's flag or decorate with the colors & symbols of our country.


    I made a really quick sketch of a Standard kinda like those used in Rome. It could be far more elaborately done, but you get the idea. I used a tree & an Axe (after Will's Woodsman Axe). The Tree would be emerald in color & the rest in Tin. Maybe the banner could be a duller Tin to accent the Axe.


    Someone may already have an idea like this for the Tin Castle, but this is just something that kept coming to mind for the Winkie Village.


  7. Very Fine Work ....I love the Glasses too!


    Also on the Hair ....eyebrows specifically: make sure they are bushy, with hairs sticking out!


    This is a bit over the top .....but you'll get the idea!


  8. WOW Jim Super Sweet Work here!!

    Brilliant work!!


    Just a couple of observations between the Drawing & the Model:

    -In the drawing one of the endearing features is the roundness/fullness of the eyes on the outsides that in the Model comes to more angular lines & subtle points in the corner of the eyes.

    -The Roundness of the eyelids on the outsides in the drawing has more roundness & is angular in the model. This is something that really caught my eye in the 3/4 view.

    -The lower lid in the drawing comes out more straight angular from the inside corner then sweeping down to form that roundness on the outside. In the Model it is just a sweeping arc.

    -And the lips just look a tad bit lower in relation to the nose than does the drawing.

    -the peak of the upper lid seems too centered above the eye in the model compared to the drawing in which they are more to the inside....and I like teh inside angle in the drawing here to



    These are just notes from one Tweek junkie to another.


    ....... and if you change nothing, she is still Beautiful !!

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