Edna has an excelent clean mesh made for actting. You *might* (or might might not) be able to delete a few spline rings in places like the arms. That is, if she weren't already boned, rigged and textured. So, ah, never mind...
Her face is a study in animtable light dencity. Nice.
My suggestions for the hands in the animation is this:
1, they need to "drag" more. They are too aligned with the forearms. As if the hands don't move at the wrist. When she wips them forward have them drag back a bit and then come forward as the arms begin to go back. A bit of overlapping action.
2, The hands stay in the same extended postion for the entire animation. I realise she's "On stage" and filling her universe. (GRIN). All I'm sugesting is possibly when the hands drag to relax and close the fingers together a bit. Not closed like in a fist, but move the extended fingers together during the fast parts of the animation and into the "I'm a special whole lotta woman" hand pose in the slower parts and as they "snap" when changing direction.
I hope I'm making sense.