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Ernesto Esteso

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  1. Yes, you're right! This is because I had not planned the animation before I did it , and this is the most important thing to make good animations. If I had planned before....... Yes, I tested with firefox/mozilla and the files that downloaded were an html file . But if you use IE or copy and paste the url in a new window this should work P.D: Again, thank you guys for the critics!
  2. Well, I'm sorry you can't view the videos The codec I use is "Sorenson 3" and I thought that with the last versión of Quicktime you must be able to view it. Anyway, thanks all of you for the great response. With guys like you is more than a pleasure post the animations here Cheers.
  3. Hi guys! Here are my last animations. The first is a "jump exercise". The focus of the animation is the jump, the rest of the animation I made it just for fun The second, is a little exercise of facial expression with the insect man that come included in the Justin Barret's CD tutorial. The animation is only 2 seconds, and only one word to make Lipsync, but I tried to make it the best I could. Jumping. Please Right Click And Save Target As... Jumping. Please Right Click And Save Target As... Hope you enjoy
  4. Awesome animation Victor!!!!!!! But like other guys said, the ring over Giant's head, is a little weird............I mean,......my first impression was : " Wow!!! a Saint Giant " :P ........................really, I think the ring attracts too much atention, and the facial expression loses protagonism. Well, I hope you finish the animation before you're daughter goes to the university
  5. Hey Shazi! Very cool character! I hope you use this bull for something more than make an image, I want to see an animation...................No!, a short is better ......................No! A movie is the best option Congrats!
  6. Wow!!, Thanks for the comments guys!!!!! I'm glad that the animation likes you Dingo and Robcat are right, the arms (hands,elbows, and shoulders), are my "weak point". When I acted this animation (yes,yes, I acted it ) I don't know what to do with my own arms, and that's the reason why the arms in my animations are so stiffy.... About how long I take to make this animation, is relative. I think that 3 weeks or a month, because I rigged the model with the 2001 skeleton, and add some bones to control some parts better, and then I began to animate, but one week later, I noticed that the animation was so boring and monotone than then I decide to start again, and spent one week more. Always in my spare time, one-two hours for day. Thanks again for the response
  7. Yeah!, is the first animation I do ,that it is not a walk cycle, or a bouncing ball ^^ I hope you enjoy with this little clip and comments me all you see it is wrong Please select "save target as..." with the right button Thanks in advance .
  8. Great animation Parlo!!!!. I love the little detail in the finger when he/she notices the hole in the road, and the timing before he/she extends hir/her arm in a disgusting manner, is very well done. Seems like the character thinks!!!!!!. I only see that the walk is a little weird, and I'd add a little movement of overlap in the toes. Congrats!!!!
  9. Thanks guys! The movement of the antennas is very subtle, but I made it..... I swear!!!!!! (but you're right, I would have to exagerate the movement a little more )
  10. Well, well, I have been rereading the walks section of the "Animator Survival Kit", and I wanted to make a cycle that no appear in the book, I wanted to "create" a cycle, from my imagination. Then I remembered the Insect Model and immediately come to my head the image of Hopper (the grasshopper of "A Bug's Life"). And I sit in front my computer to make a cycle of this kind, and the result is....................... Front View Perspective view P.D: Please select with the right button and "save target as..." I'm waiting for comments
  11. Justin, Shazam3D, thank you very much by your care.................you................make me feel.....................happy. But the problem is not the file are corrupted, the problem is that the file disappeared from my computer .............I've made a search in Windows, but definitively.......I lost the file Well, all this have a good point.......Now I can start the project again with new ideas and more knowledge P.D:Yeah! Shazam see you there!
  12. Sorry guys!. My intention was make some modifications to the animation, like you critic me before,and post here, but.................what a surprise, when I start the program and select the project.................Taraaaaaannnnnnn!!!!!!!!!.................I LOST IT!!!!!!!............ . But at least I wrote all your critics in my notebook, and I'll try to apply them in my nexts animations .................I'm a "bad lucky guy" ...............
  13. Hey!, Thanks a lot for the replies guys. Of course I have seen my animation again..........and you're right................is robotic Well, this weekend I'll make the changes and post here the new versión, looking for more critics (unfortunatelly I don't have much free time ) See you later, and thanks again
  14. I've decided to return to review the principles of the animation, to improve in my animation skills, that I have begun with a little short with "bouncing balls"......... yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I'm not very original...... Please right click and select "Save Target As..." any comments are welcome Cheers
  15. Thanks guys! For a little seconds you make me feel like a"pro" , but when I return to the real life, I'm notice that my animations have an standard level With the keekat animation I've tried to show a tired character and obtain the feel of weight.... But thanks again for your sweet words Cheers.
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