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Posts posted by Russel_Nash

  1. Thanks for your tip. I tried with "hair leafs" and now it renders even with a skydome. I just have to brush the hair now, so the "face" will be visible more clearly.


    Here is what I have so far.





  2. Right now A:M is driving me mad.

    I worked on the wood. The leaves are just images with an alpha channel mapped on a simple grid. I can render it when I use only one light within a few seconds. As soon as I start to add one more light to the scene the render never finishes.

    I would like to add a few "negative lights" in the wood so it appears dark and the "face" will be visible. But this is not possible at the moment. So here is a screenshot of the wood.






  3. Thanks for your replies.


    Actually the ways don't have any textures, so they look very clean. I will rough them up with bump maps.


    The grass and the wheat are both hair materials. But render time is within an acceptable range at the moment.


    The tree will be the only anthropomorphic one in the scene. I will place it a little separate from the wood. So it looks like a "woodkeeper". I also like the idea of using "normal" trees and stones to give the wood a scary look. I hope I will be able to archive this effect.


    Here's a small update on the tree.





  4. OK thanks for the info.

    I have replaced the sign with the one you used in your animation. Although it looks quite small compared to the one in your thicketH.mov movie. Did you scale it up a bit?



  5. So I am back in the modeling section. After a short excursion into animation I decided that modeling is so much more relaxing than animation.


    So here is the first WIP of my Thickest set.





  6. Hm, I just wanted to start animating scene 2_03_008. But when I switched from FK to IK for the arms of the Loons the arm won't follow the IK target. Am I doing something wrong?





    Edit: OK I just found out that I have to press Space bar than the arm jumps into the right position. But this is somehow annoying.

  7. I am assigned to scene 2_10_23.

    Just have a question. When I playback the chor it starts at frame 104.17. Am I supposed to start animation from that frame, or should I start from frame 0?

    The description says: MRS. YOOP laughs pleasantly. Is this supposed to happen from frame 0 to 104 or in the time from 104 to the point where the audio files starts?



  8. Thanks,

    higginsdj, that's a good point. I took a look again and in scene 2_07_098 TM has his hands on his hips. In scene 2_07_099 he isn't visible, although I personally think the camera angle should be the same in scene 98 and 99. So maybe TM could be added to scene 99 and his hands could end like they are in the beginning of my scene.

    Also I don't know if the position of the characters is correct, because in the shot of Dhar (scene 2_07_097) they are standing in a different position.



  9. So I got my very first assignment for animation. The scene had some animation already but Martin ask me to start from scratch. So here is a first blocking of the scene. I changed the layout as well. The camera is now in the same position as in scene 2_07_096. I just placed Ku-Klip with the back to the camera so I get the classic "over-the-shoulder shot (OSS). The first part of the animation, when Ku-Klip is talking is already animated in scene 2_07_099 so I don't have to do this again.





  10. Hey Scott,

    that looks quite good already. I think the best way to model the stairs is to build it using single stones. I personally think the shape of the stairs is looking a bit strange. There is no need for it to be bend like that. You could try a shape like a "half circle" instead.


    Are you using a displacement map on the wall? I have problems when using displacement on 5-point patches. The darker parts could be some artifacts.


    The stones on the floor are looking good, but I think they need some displacement /bump. They are looking quite flat.



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