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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Mojojojo

  1. You can have more than one version of AM installed in the Hash Inc program folder. If your project is really advanced you may want to finish it in the older version. If, however, you have nothing but a model in the prj folder, export the model as a .mdl file and try loading that into a new project file created in the latest version. I find the model files from older versions are much more likely to open in a new project file in the new version than project files from the old version opening in a new version. :blink:

  2. Thanks mucho,


    I was recently trying to use an app that is freeware (and so shall remain nameless since it was well intentioned) but it was mind boggling to use and caused a crash the likes of which I never want to see again. So I was stuck. I'm fiddling with your invention as I write, and it seems very straightforward and works remarkably fast. You're a wizard! Better watch that-- someone might put you to work! :D I'm looking forward to playing with this a lot. Thanks again!

  3. A non tech reason for getting a glass monitor is that you can pick up bargains on used monitors. A lot of companies have been switching to flat panel monitors to save room on the desk. I picked up a ViewSonic 21 inch Graphics Series monitor for $100 bucks (18 mo old). That was a couple of years ago, but check around. I have been very happy with it. :D

  4. Very impressive. I'm looking forward to more of this project. It's a really first class cyborg. There's nothing like a man who shows his metal.


    Speaking of cyber entities -- I tried the forum spelling checker for the first time and found it very poetic. It objected to the word "I'm" and suggested "iamb" in its place!

  5. I can't find any polls -- only a button for starting one and a discussion about how to conduct them. I assume there is or has been a poll because someone said he wasted his vote viewing results-- or maybe I am just entering that little known area known as the Twilight Zone. <_<

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