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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by maustin

  1. I wasn't sure where to post it. I finally made my first character animation and wanted to post it on AM Films for feedback, but the first page submission feature doesn't appear to work. I get an error message that "octet failed" and then all of the lines appear as red instead of white. I'll try turning off firewall.

  2. will syntheyes allow you to rotate the camera. Say you want to move around an object and rotate the camera to face the object. Will syntheyes generate an AM camera path and rotation values that allow you to do this? My 2d software is great for pitch,pan and zoom, but can't actually generate a camera rotation. It can easily stabilize an image if you walk through a path with a handheld camera and place an AM generated image or animation in the movie.

  3. Hi,

    Can you comment on any advantages Syntheyes has when compared to a "standard" matchmoving/tracking program that doesn't produce an AM camera path, but rather takes the images produced by AM and matches them to a 2d movie? (like commotion pro, aftereffects or dfx)?



  4. Another option you may want to look at is using the dynamic constraints with a bone system. You can control most of the coat using bones like a character (you can even use the characters bones). Dangling areas that you want to wave in the wind can be controlled by placing bones which are parented to the appropriate parts of the coat (i.e. if you have a bone controlling an arm of the coat, you can place a small chain of bones in the dangling part of the sleeve. The base of this chain should be a child of the arm bone). Then, in an on/off pose, place a dynamic constraint on the last bone in the dangling chain. A good example of the motion that can be obtained can be seen in the Huntress movie in AM films (in this instance it was used for jiggling buttocks and breasts, as well as earrings and tassles). I've tried it on a simple shirt mock up and it works well, responding both to motion and to forces (like wind).

  5. I add my kudos to the work done. It would be very nice if a tutorial were available. The new dynamic bones are wonderful; I was able to get soft dynamics on a fat belly using an on - off pose without a spring system and only 3 bones. However, the documentation is out of date and deals with stiffness settings that are not present in the new bones, which have mass settings like a spring system. I also don't understand the object collisions settings in the dynamics tab. I think that there may be relevant applications to cloth as well.


    This is just another example of a major feature in AM 11 which has gotten little fanfare due to the spectacular new hair system. I'd say that this feature, the improved workflow due to those little buttons at the top of the screen and the new UV editor have helped me even more than the hair system.

  6. I appreciate all of the replies to the original question. I like the "secret sauce" as my major hangup has been trying to use the same bones in the human version as the monster version (which has a much larger forearm to bicep ratio). Along the way, I was experimenting with using the pose sliders to drive a relationship in which the human decals (pink skin, etc) morph into the monster decals (scaly green skin, big bump mapped veins) and ran into a minor bug in v11 (already reported to Hash support) in which poses do not properly drive decal properties (you can around it by creating a relationship for the decal property and then edit the pose, but you have to assign values other than the 100% or 0% pose values to decal percent first; it's hard to explain the workaround). Anyway, back on track. I hope to morph a live actor into a 3d model of the actor (with morphing software) and then do the morph with AM into the monster version. Probably over ambitious.



  7. The incredible new hair system seems to me like a great basis for developing a new cloth (and soft dynamics) feature. (I know only Fellows or Grand Poo Bahs suggest features, but I can't resist). I think you could probably attach a very broad hair or a few hairs to a character and use it as a cape already. I intend to try this. The hair system with its existing relative intuitive controls and dynamics system would seem like a great way to produce a cloth wizard, incorporating stiffness, guides and dynamics. I don't know if the dynamics system as written could be translated to a model, rather than a particle system, but it seems like it could produce a realistic cloth appearance if multiple guides (like the hair splines) controlled the behavior of a cloth model. Any ideas?

  8. I'm trying to morph one character into another (kind of like a Hulk transformation). I'd like the character to move and change expressions while I do the morph and then animate the final "morphed"character. I would like to have the stages of the morph occur at different times (face morphs, arms morph, chest morphs, etc.) The problem I'm having is that the bones don't scale and move when the morphs occur, so it is difficult to control the character in one or the other setting. I've thought of building a second model of the morphed character, but this is easier said than done, since you can't copy and paste a "posed" version of your character as a new "base" model. Any ideas on how to deal with this?

  9. Thanks. It's wierd, because I use other graphics programs(including 3d) and can open multiple files of that size and see them simultaneously. I was thinking maybe there's a setting someplace for maximum file size. Not such a big deal.



  10. Is there a limit to the size decal or rotoscope that A:M can handle? I have found that my digital photos (size about 2400 X 1100 pixels) come out as black rectangles in A:M ( they are JPEGS). If I make them a little smaller in photoshop, A:M seems to be able to handle them. This is true of V10.5 and V11 beta2. Is there a way to set the program to handle larger files?



  11. I have realtime set to shaded, view to shaded plus wireframe. I have tried using several different guide splines and while I can see the control loops, I can't see the hair itself. It also does not render. I can see the hair when applied to models. I do have the "show advanced properties" option checked. Am I missing something?



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