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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Pyro

  1. I think he is talking about is when some cameras take a picture with the sun in the frame, it shows geometric looking objects. Like colored octagons and light rings (which are made by the camera lense) at least thats what i think he means. I dont have a picture that illustrates this though.

  2. Here is a car that i made a while back, it could use some touchups like, real illuminating head lights, and at least a bump decal to fake a door on it, but other than that i like it.


  3. Thanks. I'm an independant game developer, and that made me learn how to keep the spline count low without losing alot of the detail, so i can do things like LOD's. I think it would be nice to decal it some. Like add a displacement map for cracks and dirt etc. Thanks for the replies. :D

  4. i not really sure what you are saying Zack, but this is how its done. Select the group from the hierarchy that you want to remove a vertex from. Then, hold the alt key and click the CP's that you dont want in the group. And if there is another CP you want in the group, just hold the shift key while clicking that CP.

  5. Sorry about that, the picture is small, and u cant really see it, and for some reason i cant see where to go to add an image the my post. And i cant link directly to a file at geocities. if u wanna see it, just save the image and open it up in an image viewing program.

  6. Yes you can do this, and no, it is not called an alpha layer. It is called a bumpmap. after you apply your bumpmap image on your model, go to where the "Face1" picture is in the picture of the hierarchy, and select bump from the drop-down list as shown, then when you render, it will use that image to fake bumps on your model. You might wanna mess around with the properties of the bumpmap untill it looks just right. (BTW i know my picture is a color photo, i just am using one of my photos as an example)


    Click here for the picture.

  7. Hey everyone. I'm new to the forum, but i was on the mailing list a couple years back. Anyways, here is my attempt to model my head. What i need to do is add hair, smooth the model out some more, and make me not look that old (after all, im only 16)


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