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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Jimmy neutron

*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Jimmy neutron

  1. Wow Marcel, just in time. I'm working on a project that has a large call for trees and was having a heck of a time making one. This is just perfect! Oh hey, the scene has a car crashing into a tree so it will have to move. The Treez do move like normal mesh right? I know it's a studip question but I'm generally a paranoid person by nature.

  2. Very nice work, awsome detail. But to add my two bits, I think the cables are a bit high on the mesh. Maybe this is for detail when you come close up, but in my experience detail this small can usually be added with a bump or diffuse map.

  3. Or what might be even easier would be to use a height control map that would start darker at the head and steadily get brighter as you come to the tail. Of course around the stomach area you would want to keep a more general shade. Though you would want a seperate group for around the nose to get more of that fuzz look. But you get the Idea. Hope this helps.

  4. What I usually do is just reselect them while the new bone is selected. This should reassign the cp's. But I have'nt had to do this since version 7, so if it don't work Ihave no other idea :unsure:

  5. Man thinking of the days those films like "Balls and Blocks", "Cool Tools" and "Killer tools" just brings a tear to my eye. And that film (Franky I think) with Frankinstien going to the outhouse was hilarious. But there's a short that Hash had on one of their promotion videos that I think was a portion of a video game, not much unlike Roger Wilco that I haven't seen hide or tale of since. It's called "Captan Quasar" and was the december 1996 cover picture of "Animation Magazine"(Hash beat out "Toy Story" for the main article that month :lol: ). I would really like to see that game, buy it or just hear something about it. And if no one else knows anything about it, Steve, I know you do. Could you maybe shed a little ray traced light?

  6. Firstly, I'm sorry if this has been answered in a post already but I was wondering if hair particle to surface collision detection has been added to the v11 yet. If so I'll upgrade from the alpha right away. Which I should do anyway.

  7. That is awsome. I always like to see work like that and from avalanche and all the others. I hear from allot of sceptics (3dMAX and MAYA enthusiastic friends) that AM: is not capable for use in a professional enviroment because it's not used by the "professionals" <_< But this is great because its more proof to rub in their faces.

  8. Do you realize how much work that would take only to replace a function that never should have been taken out in the first place? Or should we make the files in 10.5 to get automatic clumpiness and just hope that it transfers to v11?

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