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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Disco Fish

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Posts posted by Disco Fish

  1. Hey Neil


    If you don't like learning from tutorials and manuals I fear you might find this whole thing a bit of an uphill struggle....I've been dilligently going through the exercises and have still not found it easy. Ground to a bit of a halt myself in recent weeks and would relish the chance to meet some other hashers face to face.


    The sort of help you're looking for would normally involve forking out large wads of cash (but it doesn't exist for a:m)...the forum is a fantastic resource and I've found people very generous with their help, but it helps if you know what you're asking...and if you're asking the most basic questions, the suggestion will probably be to read the manual.


    There are some excellent video tutorials out there that you can just follow step by step...apart from what's available here, check out the Anzovin site, that might sort you out


    good luck



  2. Ah ha!!


    I just posted a call for other London Hashers and then saw this link...I'd always assumed LAMUG was in LA. Is any activity scheduled in the near future? will be keeping ear to ground



  3. Hey! That looks really moody & atmospheric...love the smoke you did....How did you do it? Don't know about matte painting


    The earlier one looked like there could be the vast dark ruins of a once great city way in the background......


    camera angle really works...ground looks good too


    Great work...look forward to seeing more

  4. I'll probably need to eliminate the smoke due to the difficulties with it.


    would be a shame to totally lose the smoke as it makes a big difference...you're suddenly aware that the truck is in trouble & skidding & visually explains why it veers into the oncoming traffic....doesn't need much though


    Great job!

  5. I'm laughing out loud just looking at them....the one on the 2nd left would look fantastic with his eyes

    just slightly open & looking to the side. They're alive....and thinking things :)


    Thanks john

  6. I've never been run over by a bus(!) but that sounds entirely too painful. Hope you are fully recovered.


    You are definitely on the right track in tackling the exercises in TAoAM.



    i am but the bike was totalled...not sure if it was painful as i was out cold for a bit


    Thanks for the encouragement... feel like I have the bit between my teeth and it make such a difference to have your forum to post to...you're doing a fine job


    I've started modelling my characters in fimo/plasticine so that i can translate them into 3D more easily...can't wait to get started on that



  7. To all the new users that haven't yet introduced yourselves... please do.

    Ok I will


    It's about time I stepped out of the shadows anyway...You can't move in those damn shadows for people lurking there.


    Hi! :D I always wanted to be an animator but it was shunned at college. I got established as an illustrator and life took over....then flash happened...Great! Then a bloke in a cafe in Camberwell (that's Sarf Lundun to the uninitiated) told me about A:M...I rushed straight out and bought it...& left it on a shelf for two years. A combination of flinging myself off a motorbike into the path of an oncoming bus...breaking up with long term latin lover...you know the kind of thing...


    ANYWAY I'm back....I have my sleeves rolled up and I'm VERY EXCITED about it


    Just posted my first ever model to the newbies bit (Giraffe..tricky and brain twistingly frustrating... but fun) now I'm doing the plane which is A LOT easier....I KNOW I KNOW...wrong way round...my autobiography will probably be called 'Walking in the door backwards'


    Look forward to....well, all of it. And getting to know some other Hashoids. Anyone else in London?



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