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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by cgarlick

  1. LOL! I just noticed someone changed the title to my post.. Ya I am gonna give A:M another try, thanks for all the help offers!
  2. All I wanted was for Hash to know my frustration, I dont know if they view these fourms or not. I guess I wanted to vent my frustration and since I did not get any good answers when I called to get the replacement. I am not one to buy software especaly when it cost as much as A:M. It just left a bad taste in my mouth with the crashes and I guess I did not explain the crashes very well. I was working on a face modle and I would have spent 6-8 hours getting the face right. I would go in to make a few last minites touch ups and I would go to move one of the ..(Cant rember what they are called its been so long) Pixles and I would get the "Program has preformed blah blah and will now close" and lose all that work. I reinstalled the OS, tried it on other computers and got the same thing even after patches. Thats why I got frustrated and didn't touch the software for so long. I guess I also wanted to hear negitive feedback from others but you guys did not bite. Since I am hearing good reports and have been given good choices I will presue the web upgrade... But my question there would be, since my version is so far behind if I buy the web upgrade.. #1 Will it run then without a CD? #2 Will I jump from version 8 that I bought to the newest one? I guess thats what I was afraid of was a big investment to get working software again. Plus I have the Tapes and Manuals for v8 so I guess thoese will be useless with the new versions. Thanks for the feedback and sorry if I seemed like a troll, like I said I wanted to see what kind of feedback I would get. Thanks
  3. Irrelevant? How so? Not haveing the CD makes the software useless.
  4. No but if I bought another ford at cost of the car would it not run because it was the same as the old car? When I called Hash I think the software was up to version 10. To use your example: If ford had the car I bought wouldn't they be better off to get to to buy a newer one for more money then to sell me the modle I had for less? Or If I lost the keys to my car would ford refuse to sell me a new set of keys and inisist I pay the price diffrance from my modle to the new one they want me to buy? I think everybody is misunderstanding, I dont care if I have a new CD or not. What bugs me is I have software I paid for and I cant use it because of the secuirty they use. I have a valid sreial number, I am a paying user but I am treated like I stole the software. I just want to use the software I bought. I asked if my company would replace the CD but since I worked in Internet tech support and it had nothing to do with my job they said no.
  5. You've got a whole forum of people (and more) that say otherwise. If AM was so bad, why would you care if got sent another cd or not? The version I bought was buggy, I tried to update it in hopes it would stop crashing. People in this same thread have agreed with me that version 8 was buggy. If you pay $300 for software and it has bugs in it, would you not expect the company that wrote it to fix the bugs? Hell even Microsoft does that and everybody knows how buggy Windows is.
  6. For the record, you ARE a troll. So for the record, by calling me a troll you are the troll. My post is about the secuirty and how it kills this software, it isn't my fault people started calling me names. By trying to anger me by calling me names is exactly what the Wiki defines as a troll, I didn't attack anyone here and I didn;t ask to be attacked.
  7. You couldn't make a backup, thats the point if I could have the main CD would not have been stolen. Also when I called Hash it was way before this web subscription. (I think it was up to version 8) He agreed I was valid by the serial number I gave him. The whole "have to have CD" thing is what screwed me. I have the backup disk I made but the program refuses to read it as the disk. I am not an artist but I have a story I want to share, I thought I could learn AM but like I said it kept crashing and I got frustrated with it and jut stoped useing it. Its hard to learn on buggy software and I am not a troll I just wanted to put something up here warning others like me unless you have experiance with 3D I would touch this software. I think your right about the software, I think the $400 was all the software I lost combined. Plus did you know you can buy old versions of Windows software from Microsoft for $10. I figured I could get the same here, guess not.
  8. I bought Version 8 a long time ago. If I rember correctly I paid over $400 bucks for it. I tried to use it but after working for 6-8 hours on something and just when I went to fine tune the modle, BOOM! "Program has preformed blah blah" and I would lose all that work. I got frustrated with the program so I took some time off from it. I had it in my CD case at work. We had someone steal a computer from our department and ya they got my CD case with my AM cd in it. I called hash and figured I would just pay to have them send me another CD since the program will not run without the CD. WRONG! I was told the only way I could get the software is if I upgraded for $150..... So buyer beware! Dont lose your CD or the only way you will have working software is if you throw AM more $$$$.
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