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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Robcat suggested that I post these on the Forum. This conglomoration of musicians and I have been peforming at a local Wine tasting lounge every Wednesday for two years. This is a test animation. The Sax player has quit coming so I made a new "photo".

    Our motto is "Don't get your knickers in a twist, have a glass of wine!" More animation to come.

    First Foto.jpg

  2. OK. I reconfigured my menus to make sure I could see the animation button. I' still not clear if it's the red "A" or the black "A" that means it's on or off. There is a checkbox in "Tools" that can reverse the'warning' mode.

    I turned on the animation mode in the shortcut to each model manually (one by one). Turned each on again in the timeline. Set my Invisibility to 100% at 0 and every 15 frames set successive letters to 0% invisibility and the timeline shows it to be so.

    I rendered both with the red A and the black A.  All letters are suppposed to be at 100% at zero, so they should not be seen. Here are two screenshots of the rendering of frame one, as well a a shot of the timeline and keyframes.


    Remder Test 1.JPG

    Render Test 2.JPG

    Snip 3.JPG

  3. Robcat, I remember doing this a couple of years back with no problem. 

    When I tried it this time it didn't work.

    I watched your video and tried everything you did. I couldn't get the copy keyframe to work, so i did it manually. Is there a setting I've missed?

    I keyed all the filters like you showed.

    My problem is that the transparency values, aren't changing. When I set them to 0% all go to 0%. when I set them to 100% all go to 100%.

    Here's a screenshot.

    Timeline Snip.JPG

  4. I've been making music with my friend these last couple of years, Darlene Lombrozo. We've been doing a regular Wednesday evening gig for over a year now and there have been a few friends that have joined us. We started out: Myron & Darlene, "An Entertaining Experience". People started asking us what the name of the band is so we came up with "Myron & Darlene and the Twisted Knickers Revue". Our 'motto' is "Don't get your Knickers in a Twist, Have a glass of Wine." We are having a demo video made and I'm making an animated version of our Business card. (Which I also made using Animation Master)

    I want to start the animated card out with the letters of our names individually fading onto the screen. I thought that I had done that before, but I'm having no luck with doing it now.  I also created clothespin caracatures of the band members and will animate them eventually. 

    I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to get the indiviodual letters of our names to come to visibility in the chor. 

    Thanks, Myron

    M and D Roto0.png

    New Card0.png

    Brew Gig.png

    • Like 1
  5. Hi Robcat,

         I lthought I had purchased an unlimite lifetime subscription. My old antique computers are filling up their harddrives and I got a couple of refurbished Dell Laptops. I tried to transfer my AM to them usic my master licensing file but they were missing a couple of dll files when I tried to install them. I sent a message to support a few days ago and have gotten no response. Do you have any ideas.

  6. In all of our collaborations, Spleengene was the animator. I provided music and helped with modeling and other background stuff. I have started a project that has grown exponentially. Nate is a young mechanic who helped me out when I was in need. 

    At the time he was a professional mechanic working at a shop in the next town. He tried for several hours to get the junker I had at that time running. He never once brought up money. We have become friends.

    I've spent a couple of months learning how to animate, and I'm bettter than I was, but I still have a looooong way to go. During the time I've been doing this, Nate has moved to a bigger (3 Bay) shop in a nearby town. I'll propably be refining and re-rendering most of it, but this is a proof of concept video of compiled clips thus far. My next learning endeavor is to learn to incorporate sprites to create the "backfire" puffs and the cigarette puffs. I will appreciate any help that points to the proper tutorials.




    "EDIT":  As usual I took Roberts good advise and posted it to utube. the Link is above.



  7. I was having a couple of problems. Updating to V19.0o solved one but not the other.

    The one that I'm left with is this:

    It used to be that when I rendered out to a PNG, the background would be black during the rendering, but the object would render with out a background. When used as a decal, only the object would apply.

    All of a sudden, a PNG now renders with a separate "photo" labeled the same with a "-Alpha Channel" added to the name. As far as I know there are four places where you can turn on or off "Save with unpremultiplied alpha channel". 1. the Rendering tab in the 'Tools' menu, 2. in the 'output options' of the camera object property menu, 3. the 'output options' of the 'shortcut to camera'  property menu, and 4. in the 'render to file' dialogue window. However, whether or not that is  turned on or off (in all places),0o Off 1 Lace 2 0.png0o Off 1 Lace 2 0-Alpha.png it now  still renders the "two image" render. How do I get the "contained" alpha channel back?

  8. My friend got a new guitar last summer. Because of the bridge she named the guitar "Mariposa". I made the model of the guitar and was using the presentation of that model to my friend as an occasion to build up my animation chops. I learned a ton. The background music is a cut we recorded of her singing Neil Young's Harvest Moon.. I pulled the vocals and just used the backing track with my lead, bass, and percussion. By this time next year we will have redone the cut and I will propably redo the video at that time. I intend to be a much better animator by then.  I have lots of climbing to do up the A:M learning curve.

    Thanks for ALL of your help. I will be bugging you again soon. 

  9. The Butterfly will hold his own shortly, the view through the window is an introductory tease. I figured out the second path issue and have essentially finished the animation. About 44 seconds give or take. Some credits will be added at both ends to add a little more length. A bit of tweaking to do to fix some small details, but I am pleased with the project, and my progress in the learning curve. I'm learning enough to go in and fix glitches, that makes me VERY happy.

    Thanks for all your help and I'll be annoying you all further as time goes on. 

    I probably won't show anymore renders until the project is finished.

    When is the live answer thing and how do I participate?

  10. Okay! Rendering now, the first 06.10 from the video chor. Using the pose to pose/keyframe method. I watched the videos and did some keyframe reading. The Butterfly is in the video, contrained to a path. He is going to reappear later in the video on a different path. How do I deal with the whole old path/new path thing? Constraints and such. do I need to delete the old constraints and path at an inbetween point in the chor? Inquiring minds need to know? :)  I'll show what I've rendered thus far when it gets done.

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