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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by no0ne

  1. did have the same problem some time ago


    "magnetic field distance" has been set to 0


    can be fixed with regedit


    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hash, Inc.\Animation Master V11.1\General


    set it to 5 or whatever


    be careful with the registry - don't delete anything

    & a:m should be closed while you do this


    hope this helps

  2. guess, it goes like this:


    1. use tsmbuilder to get the right side of the rig & make it fit your char

    2. put your cogs, fans - intermediates into the rig

    3. use tsmflipper to flip rig+intermediates to the other side

    intermediates gotta stick to the naming conventions

    4. assign cps to rig & intermediates - setup constraints for intermediates

    5. use tsmrigger to get tsm-rig


    hope this helps

  3. unfortunately it's not just the preview

    looks like a toonnation-metallic which is part of the gradient causes this one


    in v10.5 this metallic-attribute did render with some kind of metallic-color

    although reflect has been set to 100%


    in v11 it is reflecting 100% without metallic-color


    the only way i see to get at least close to the old look

    is to set reflect to 50 & a new attribute below the gradient with ambiance intensity 100

  4. get the same when i put 6 additional lights into some standard chor

    no matter what type they are

    looks like it's not a lights-as-action-objects-issue

    with 8 chor-lights everything's ok, with the 9th -> lights go off


    winxp, ati radeon9600tx, opengl

  5. does anyone know how to get an exported cam-chor-act

    onto another cam?


    droping the action onto the cam just won't work /:

    am i missing something important?


    thx in advance

  6. what simon suggested is really the only way to get a new working dic-file


    if you got a text-file with at least all the words you need

    & their phonetic pronounciation

    you'd still have to get it into the right shape

    & replace the phonetics with the phoneme-poses


    & again (: no, a list of the letters won't work (that good)


    coz you'd have to use the dopesheet with letters instead of words


    it's a lot easier to use the dopesheet with german words & break them down manually

    that way you are still able to tweak the timing of the words not just the letters

  7. :rolleyes:


    it is NOT easy to setup a whole new dictionary-file no matter what language


    coz you'd have to break down all the words before manually

    that a:m is able to do it automaticly


    doesn't matter which way you go (: gotta do it anyway

  8. sure the language makes a difference

    when it gets to the words

    a:m just won't break'em down for you automaticly

    since they're are missing from the dic-file


    the dope-sheet is useful nevertheless to keep track of what your doin


    the basic phonemes are of coz the same

    those you don't find like f.i. the ch in "ich"

    you gotta tweak to the best matching pose

  9. won't work that way! coz you'd need a pose for every letter!!!!


    most letters or combinations form different phonemes

    depending on the situation


    f.i. in english: head-heat, dead-dear, bad-bar & so on

    it's the same in german


    5-8 poses is sufficient in most cases


    btw it's way easier to do it manually

    if you just wanna do some 20s anim

    instead of creating a whole new german-dic-file

  10. for chars like that you gotta know

    what the basic-setup for bipeds & quads look like

    & what's necessary for your char


    then you can easily build your own basic-setup with all you need


    f.i. like this -> biped-char with horse-legs


    & btw tsm 2.0 is said to be working within a:m without those basic-setups

    then it's sure going to be as easy as any other char

  11. marcel told me a few days ago...


    that he made the plugin for v10.0

    & didn't test it with v10.5 lately


    coz icarus is nomore available for free

    he won't go on with the plug


    i did have the same z-rotation problems you mentioned

    so there's most likely something going wrong

    only workaround i found is to rescale the z-rotate values to "reasonable" values

    which did work only from time to time

    & the results haven't been that good anyway /:


    there's 2 other proggies out there


    syntheyes 350$


    free camera tracker


    but the first one costs a bit

    & the 2nd doesn't support a:m - yet (they're said to be working on it)


    sad but true :(

  12. thx alot (:


    @ bill

    it will be runnin at some fiz-parties in the background

    when people settle in & so on

    that's why it should be about 2min

    but it's somehow not really done

    will tweak some more but that may take some time


    @ mike

    the divx-vid did play best on the pcs i've been able to test it on

    even on a 600mhz machine no lag

    but don't know anything about macs - sorry

  13. thx alot :D


    ..... the man from del records just might say yes?
    there's some small problem with copyrighted music

    around here the gema is the musicians bill collector

    they are in charge no matter what the artist or record company agrees on

    if i'm not totally mistaken

    am not sure if it's that clever to wake the dogs (;


    Did you model and rig the bug too?

    yes, some time ago, did some tests & pix with the ant since last november

    rigged with anzovin's fantastic setupmachine



    not really a making-of page, but some pix that show the progress

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