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Posts posted by hecklenjeckle

  1. Hello there, I had this problemo as well on the mac and after finding this thread was thankfully able to get back to modeling on A:M 16. However I have another license and am having the exact same issue on my pc. Any suggestions? Thanks, aj

  2. I don't know what's going on but I feel like the guy in that Twilight Zone episode who lost his keys and suddenly they've been put back in a place where he's already looked for them by the guys who make a new complete reality for every minute of existence. We simply pass through these separate realities and think they are one and the same. MY CONTROL POINTS ARE BACK!!!


    I was just going over Rodney's comment and wondering what the difference between Direct3D or OpenGL was and I thought I'd look through the Tools Options. Under Global I noticed Undo was set to 20 so I clicked on Unlimited and hit OK. I went back to my model and thought, "Why not try selecting a CP?" It turned Green. What the fuuuuhhhhh?! I set Undo back to 20 and I can still select my CP's so thanks for your help Rodney, Fuchur, Gerry, largento, and Caroline, after a not so sumptuous dinner, this made my Thanksgiving. Now I can get back this model. Goodnight folks, namaste, aj

  3. I can't see anything amiss via your screen shot (the last one wasn't attached however and a view into the Project Workspace listing might help).


    If you look under Tools / Options on the Global tab are you using Direct3D or OpenGL?


    If you are using an older version of A:M you might want to look into updating your current display driver.


    Hey Rodney, I think I'm using Open GL, at least under Tools Options Global Tab, Open GL is the only thing that comes up in the Real-time Driver. I'm running version 15.03 of AM. I tried another screen shot too.


  4. I can't see anything wrong there.


    Are you able to click on a single control point and select it? If you can, press the / key and does that select all CPs connected to that selected CP?


    You don't have the PWS showing on the left, that is unusual. Click View Menu > Project Workspace. Is the model selected in the PWS?


    Hi Caroline, no I can't select a single control point either, when I do if it's roughly two inches below a place on screen where there are cp's than one or more will be selected depending on whether I;m trying to select one or many. If I zoom out and there are no cp's roughly that same distance above where I'm selecting I get nothing.


    Here is a screen image with the model selected in PWS. (It had been unselected in the View tab) Also do the Compensate lines have anything to do with this and how does one remove them, is this off topic? thanks and Happy Thanks if you're in the US and celebrating, aj

  5. Or, to do it quickly, simply hold down command-shift-3 and you'll hear a camera noise and a png file will appear on your desktop. If you hold down command-shift-4, you can drag a marquee around what you want to capture, or press the shift bar and you can select which window to capture.


    Thanks guys, let's see if I get this pic to you. Also I noticed that the grid is not viewable, does this have anything to do with what function I have selected that is causing this problem? Or do the red marker lines have anything to do with it, how do I remove them? Thanks Aj



    The bottom wing is the one I'm trying to select but the top wing is highlighted. I also noticed that if I Zoom out some and grab the bottom wing, it will not select the top wing. It seems to be a specific distance and not a measurement on the grid.

  6. Or, to do it quickly, simply hold down command-shift-3 and you'll hear a camera noise and a png file will appear on your desktop. If you hold down command-shift-4, you can drag a marquee around what you want to capture, or press the shift bar and you can select which window to capture.


    Thanks guys, let's see if I get this pic to you. Also I noticed that the grid is not viewable, does this have anything to do with what function I have selected that is causing this problem? Or do the red marker lines have anything to do with it, how do I remove them? Thanks Aj


  7. It would be useful to show us a screen capture (if you don't now how just ask).

    Then we can see what you see.


    It reads like you have an option toggled on that shouldn't be (Mirror Mode, Magnet Mode... up on the top on the right of the tool menu).



    Hi Rodney,


    I am unaware of how to do a screen capture, would you mind running me through it? I double checked those buttons on the tool bar (Mirror Mode, Magnet Mode, Compensate , Snap Manipulator to Grid) and none of those are checked. This might also help describe what's going on to you, I just tried drawing a spline and it made the new spline about ten squares above where my cursor was drawing.


    Similarly when I select an area with the cursor another part of the model above where I am selected becomes highlighted as I described earlier. I'd love to be able to show you, so I'll await your reply and screen capture you what's the haps. Peace out Rodney, talk to you in a bit, aj

  8. Hey folks, can anyone help me, I'm working on a model and suddenly I can't select any control points. If I click on one or any of them nothing happens that I can see. On a rare occasion if I try and grab a whole section of points the green selection box will grab another area of the model.


    I tried opening older versions and the same thing happens, which is nothing, so then I thought perhaps reinstalling the software might help.


    It didn't, same problem. I'm going through the Posts now to see if this has happened to anyone else but I may as well start a new post also and get the ball rolling, Help me animation masters, I'm getting desperate. Aj

  9. Also as I was going through EX1Director when the narrator goes over the Pose Sliders Tab there are several sub tabs All, Face, Rig and Hands, my Pose Sliders Tab is also empty. I am assuming this is related to my resetting to default values?


    This sounds unrelated.

    Pose Sliders are context sensitive in that if a Model doesn't have a Pose Slider none will appear.

    More than likely you have models open that don't have any Pose Sliders set up.


    To test, you need to either open a model with poses defined or create one of your own.

    Once you've located one, open the Model or select it in the Project Workspace and the sliders should be there. You can usually see them in the Properties of the Model under 'User Properties' as well.


    You don't have to wait until you get your Libraries reconnected to test this.

    Locate a model such as Keekat in your Hash Inc v15 folder (under Data/Models/Actors), open that and look under your Pose Sliders.




    Thanks Rodney,


    I tried as per your instructions and saw plenty of Pose Sliders show up, Cool Stuff. Aj

  10. Maybe you need to point AM to the directory of the Library files?



    Thanks KenH,


    I had a look at the Options Menu, which crashed a few times when I tried to open it, finally I opened a project from the disc and the Folders Tab under Options Menu shows this under Libraries (lbr files).


    /Applications/Animation Master 15.0/Libraries


    When I click OK and restart program I saw no change, should my folder look like yours "Hash Inc\Libraries - 5.0\data\Libraries etc.? Is there a process to bring the entire Library in at once other than bringing Models, Actions, Choreographies etc. one by one which does seem to be working. But creating folders for all these functions does not seem right, on the other hand I've been wrong so many times I'm running out of things to try.


    Also tried pointing to the Data\Libraries\Hash CD Libraries.lbr but see no change either. Am I pointing correctly?

  11. Hi there,


    I'm just getting started with A:M and was playing around before starting the tutorial, I hit the "Reset all settings to their default values?" button under Help and now I have no folders available in my Library Panel where all the objects that come with A:M are stored and accessible. I have been trying for days to figure out how to get them back and I must be missing some simple solution to this. Please help, thanks aj


    Also, I'm running a Mac with V15 if this is important. Another user had what sounds like a similar problem What is Library and how do I use it, but I couldn't see an answer to my problem. Also as I was going through EX1Director when the narrator goes over the Pose Sliders Tab there are several sub tabs All, Face, Rig and Hands, my Pose Sliders Tab is also empty. I am assuming this is related to my resetting to default values?

  12. Hi there,


    I'm just getting started with A:M and was playing around before starting the tutorial, I hit the "Reset all settings to their default values?" button under Help and now I have no folders available in my Library Panel where all the objects that come with A:M are stored and accessible. I have been trying for days to figure out how to get them back and I must be missing some simple solution to this. Please help, thanks aj

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