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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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    Pentium D 3.2 GHz, Radeon 1950 Pro, 2 GB Ram

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  1. @ robcat2075: Thanks for all the info! I'll look into it! Yeah, prices were crazy then, but it was a different time. Softimage was and still is a great software, always focused on character animation just like A:M unlike 3d Studio which was probably more focused on Architectural Vizualisations. But of course, not payable for the near mortal user. I just had luck, that my fathers studio were early on with 3D Animation and as it seems had the money to buy that stuff... But Softimage was a cool Program and i remember the old IRIX OS, which even then had a lot of features that Windows still hasn't today. Sad that SGI ended the way it did but oh well... I remember watching this tape and how blown away we were: Sometimes i miss these old days, were computer animation software could impress you with such limited features
  2. Ooh well sounds great! I guess i really have to look into v16 then! Too bad that none of this is visible on the hash frontpage... I really think a product page with all the new goodies listed would be helpful and attracting new or returning users like me! Think about it, Hash Not so sure anymore, but i think it was around 100'000 $ For the Workstation and 50'000 for the Software, which was considered a bargain back then. Plus some expenses for three days of training. A represantive of Softimage would come by and train you on IRIX and Softimage itself. I think they bought their first Workstation in the 80's, when Softimage just came out. Then a few years after that it was two Indigo 2's and a newer Release of Softimage, when it was owned by Microsoft. But the Windows NT Version apparently stank Sounds nice! Is there any list, where you can see all current features? I understand, there are some new rigs! Has the old 2001 finally served its purpose? The squetch one looks really nice! If i buy a subscription today, will i get automatically a V16? I've got a fast Computer with 25 Gigs of Ram and an Intel i7 980X, but a lousy Graphics Card... Hopefully it'll work anyways Would be fun to play around in A:M again! Thanks for the great answers! Its really a very nice community. Great that you guys keep the product alive!
  3. Hi y'all! I hope, my thread won't get deleted, i dont mean this offensive, just out of curiosity. Animation:Master was my first love in the 3D World... Well, actually the third after Ray Dream 3D and Softimage 3D on the SGI Workstation of my father... But i always loved the ease of use of A:M, but have since moved on to Blender and a little App for the Mac called Cheetah 3d. I haven't heard much of A:M on the other Boards or in 3D circles in general. The Website isnt very informative either. A lot of Message Boards are dead silent which saddens me a lot espcecially, since i already thought about maybe buying a subscription. I think A:M has still a lot of good things about it but it doesnt seem to be very present anymore. But thanks to the great community, you might give me an update What has happened since 2008? Cool new features? A new movie? Hope you're all well and cheers to you!
  4. oh okay, so maybe i misunderstood something well good news for me in any case . thanks for the quick reply!
  5. hi! just recently opened up A:M again and coninued working on a model. but i've got a problem: in the birds eye view, when i try to "turn" around the object, it just disappears out of my sight, because the center is probably way off there... so my extremely noob question: how can i center the center point? maybe while i'm at it another question: theres been a lot of talking going on in the german A:M forum as well as on other boards about A:M being discontinued. i'm still working on v14 but i wanted to upgrade, but i'm somewhat concerned about the future of my favourite animation package... thank you very much! cheers!
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