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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by sunpowerkidz

  1. Well dear forum,


    Thanks for all the positive input. Things were moving along smoothly until today when a new issue cropped up. Clicking on the arrow plus tool to begin drawing the eyebrows in the model window, I've come across some problem with the inability to create positioning of control points. When I click on a blink space to create the first point and so forth, the point, I guess the control point appears but now where I'm clicking so I have no control over it. Finally, when the "S" curve is finalized and I've clicked on the 'escape' tab to finalize the line, I can't selective individual control points even when hold down the shift key. I hope I'm clear in my question. Thanks for the anticipated help. It seems if something is depressed somewhere and I'm not sure how to "unblock" wherever it is.


    Larry Seitz

  2. Larry,


    Welcome back aboard!


    I was in somewhat the same positon as you a couple of years back. I had an older (much older)version of A:M and really needed to go through at least some of the tutorials in the book The Art of Animation:Master (Tao A:M), which you should have gotten with your upgrade. There are so many features in A:M that have changed and improved over the years that I really needed the refresher.


    I also have had some difficulty converting my mind from polygons in CAD to splines in Hash. There will be a learning (or in our case, re-learning) curve. But given the organic (literally) nature of your cute characters, I think you were absolutely correct in choosing this program for your upcoming interactive DVD.


    You may have gotten the Technical Reference book as well. And it is a bit dry and not nearly as "digestible" as the Tao A:M


    If you didn't get Tao A:M perhaps you could call the folks at Hash, and ask for it. Or, at least look through the tutorial section of the forums and Hash's mian web site. Here's the link to the video tutes: video tutorials


    Best of luck to you in your getting your characters on the screen... It can be done, very well, with your A:M. And, most everybody here is willing to help.




    I certainly agree with you and thank you for your kind words and advice.



  3. Larry,

    I think your characters are about to get a seriously new lease on life. :)


    Welcome back to Animation:Master.


    It's been mentioned that you should work through the manual (The Art of Animation:Master) and I agree.

    If you were to rebuild your characters as you go through it you'll be up and running in no time.

    If you didn't get it with your upgrade (Are upgrades currently getting only the Tech Ref?) it is available online.



    Thank you Rodney. I appreciate all your kind words and advice as well as the others that have offered sincere and wonderful guidance. I'm trying to upload the image I wish to recreate in AM. I'm looking forward to it's completion and then onto animation and lipsynch. This is really exciting!


  4. Larry,

    I think your characters are about to get a seriously new lease on life. :)


    Welcome back to Animation:Master.


    It's been mentioned that you should work through the manual (The Art of Animation:Master) and I agree.

    If you were to rebuild your characters as you go through it you'll be up and running in no time.

    If you didn't get it with your upgrade (Are upgrades currently getting only the Tech Ref?) it is available online.



    Thank you for your kind words. I'm looking forward to recreating the characters in AM. This is the present one I'm working on. Penelope Pear™.

  5. Yeah, without a screen shot or something, I'd guess it's mirror mode.



    Yes thank you. Part of the issue was the mirror image being depressed.

  6. :)

    First off, have you worked through the tutorials?


    Second, if only part of the model indicates it is selected - are you in "Mirror Mode"?


    Third, although (like me) you may be wary to upload your project due to intellectual property issues, that would help a great deal to understand exactly what the issue is. I have never heard of someone plagerizing or swiping files posted with a request for help.


    Fourth, good luck in your endeavors.



    Thank you for your response. Apparently you were right on the mirror issue. Thank you for your insightful assistance. Thanks for your kind words. I have worked through some of the tutorials. It appears that now I've touched on the present relevant ones. Again, sincere thanks for taking the time to answer the question.

  7. Hello,


    I'm a new but old member of AM. Used it about 7-8 years ago and slowly drifted towards the polygonal programs on the Mac. I've decided after seeing the newest program and repurchase that my characters, the SunPower Kidz®, would be best served with Hash. It's an all in one inclusive program that is obviously very user friendly and would allow to achieve an ultimate goals in creating interactive DVD's for children based upon my characters and their tale.


    When I open a new project, and create a simple spline, then lathe, it is titled 'untitled' but when I try to 'grab' it with my arrow cursor, only 3/4's of the figure is chosen, that is red splines turn to green. It does produce that transparent green colored quadra figure with dark green lines which does cover the entire lated object. What is that all about? When I try to add a material, which I call skin, all that renders is the basic white? Again, I must be doing something wrong.


    My characters, if you have the time are found at http://www.sunpowerkidz.com, so you can see what I've done and need to continue to do. Right know I'm focusing on Penelope Pear™. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.


    Larry Seitz


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