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  1. Hello, I'm going to make a list of things I need to get done for Hash, Inc. Then cross them off as I get them done. Alpha/Beta Invites(Some are out but will add more) Mascot Vote Email spam Update the store or move to a new store(the new store will import old orders) Make the old Amfilms work and see what to do with that since the update messed a ton of stuff up Find a update for A:MStills, I think that the same people that make the forums make something like that I forget who asked about folders and data off the old server but that does not seam recoverable at this time. I have the new machine for community but I need to get an OS installed on it and get the server up and running. See if I can con some people to make videos for the new Animation Master v19.0 things(maybe even bribe). Get a trade show list for next year going. This list is being slowed by my new job, and personal projects and training for the Seattle to Portland which I missed this year because of a broken arm and car wreck. And I just got my new bike so a lot of riding.. Well unless it's raining then I ride my old bike haha. I will be getting threw the list and keeping you up to date on it. If there is anything to add please add it below. Thank You, Jason Simonds
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