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Posts posted by Morgan

  1. Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to do this. You might want to go back to your pre-rigged model. Otherwise, you could try unhiding all of the arm bones and moving them. It's been a while since I've taken a look at the inner workings of Raf's rig, but you should be able to figure out what needs to move -- there's a few bones at each joint, which you'll want to keep together, and you'll also need to maintain everything's original orientation.


    I'd seriously consider going back to pre-rig, though -- unless you've done a lot of smartskin, it'll probably be faster. Sorry I don't have a better answer for you.

  2. You should install TSM 2.07 -- and make sure it installs to 12, not 11.1. And that you close A:M before you run the installer.


    That's the current version, not a fix, by the way... but I'm pretty sure the reason I can't duplicate the problem is because it doesn't exist in 2.07. Please let me know if I'm wrong about that, though.

  3. Hi folks,


    I haven't been checking this board as regularly as I probably should be -- In part because TSM2 seems to be pretty much bug-free, at this point, and partly because I'm just really, really busy. However, if you do have problems with TSM2, you can always contact me directly at morgan@anzovin.com.

  4. I haven't been able to replicate this, but I'm not sure that means anything -- I assume that these errors don't show up on every save and reload.


    Since the bones created by TSM2 should be identical to bones you'd create by hand, I'm guessing this is an A:M issue, not a TSM2 issue. I'd recommend reporting it through A:M Reports, and in the meantime, consider scaling your models up in A:M, then back down via the Torque engine.

  5. Well, TSM2's included systems are really geared towards characters, so unless you have a very unusual vehicle in mind, I don't think they would be much help. ;)


    That said, TSM2 Rigger does use scripts to rig, and will load any text file it finds in the TSM2/scripts folder. Theoretically, you could create a pre-rig model with the base bones for your vehicle rig, and write a matching script that does whatever rigging you want. You'd need to import the pre-rig model manually, but if you named things correctly (following the examples in TSM2/components), you could use Rigger.


    Honestly, though, I doubt it would be worth the time you'd spend setting it up. Depending on what kind of rigging you're doing, you could probably just save out the rig itself (i.e., delete everything in a vehicle file that isn't a bone/constraint, then Save As), and then import that file whenever you have a new vehicle to rig.

  6. The installer-maker we use automatically asks you to un-install previous versions, but it really isn't necessary for TSM2. You should be able to cancel the un-install and install a second copy to a different A:M folder, or copy the files manually as Luckbat suggests. Be sure to grab the three TSM2 hxts and the TSM2 folder. There are some support files in the main A:M folder that you may need to copy as well, depending on your system configuration: MFC71.dll, msvcp71.dll, and msvcr71.dll.


    Let me know if you run into any problems with either of these methods.

  7. TSM 2.07 fixes the issues with Rigger in v12.0q. Download here.


    On re-reading, I'm guessing Frosteternal didn't have an issue with Builder. One of the issues with Rigger was that it wouldn't find systems, which may have made it seem like Builder hadn't worked correctly.


    However, if anyone's having any problems that I haven't addressed, please let me know.

  8. The latest revision of TSM2 is available for download here: TSM 2.07


    This fixes the issue with TSM Rigger failing to find systems and/or crashing in A:M 12.0q.


    As always, you should close A:M before running this installer, and you'll need to use your TSM2 serial number to activate it.


    If you have any problems installing or using TSM2, you can contact me at morgan@anzovin.com.

  9. I haven't been able to duplicate the Builder issue in A:M 12.0q / 2005. Frosteternal, is that the version you're using? If so, please send the file you're trying to rig morgan@anzovin.com.


    Rigger, on the other hand, isn't working for me either. Not sure what's going on yet, but I'll get back to you on that.

  10. "Why doesn't the rig do anything?" is our number one frequently-asked-question, and "Turn the TSM Constraints pose on" is the answer. I didn't realize that it was already on in the tutorial movie Raf did... that explains a lot. Since Raf made that movie before TSM2 was entirely done, I probably told him to go ahead and turn it on without recording it, because I'd figure out how to automate that any minute now, there had to be a way to do it... but there actually wasn't.


    Sorry, folks. :(


    "Where's the manual?" is a FAQ, too, which just tells me that I need to stop trying to be clever about interface design. But for what it's worth, TSM2 Builder and TSM2 Rigger both have a "?" button in their lower left-hand corners. That will pop up the manual.


    Eric: If you'd like help getting TSM2 working, please feel free to post questions on the Anzovin Products forum (http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showforum=23) or to e-mail me directly (morgan@anzovin.com). Our products can be a little quirky, but we do our best to back them up with personal tech support. And I'd hate to think that we sold you a coaster.


    With regards to the website, I was just looking at it myself and thinking: "Where did the A:M info go?" You'll notice, though, that the TSM2 page is actually called "TSM2Maya" and not "TSM2," despite the fact that the TSM2 link leads you straight there. I'm guessing that there was a redesigned "TSM2AM" page in the works, but it's most likely on hold right now, due to Steve Anzovin's health issues.

  11. On second thought, skip that. It would have been more trouble than I thought, and there's an easier way:


    Take "Julia with HANDS." Run Rigger. Select each system that isn't a finger, and click "Don't Rig."


    That said, you had a weird circularity issue that had been introduced between the two versions you sent me, so I fixed that and went ahead and rigged the fingers. [Edit: Files removed.]

  12. Ideally, yes, TSM2 would have an un-rig option. It was on the list of things I wanted to add if I had time, so it's already on the TSM3 "wish list." As for adding new rigs... well, honestly, I would have expected that to work. I'll have to look into that when I have a chance.


    But under the circumstances, I'd say the quickest solution to your problem is to take "Julia with HANDS," delete everything that isn't the hands and the upper body bone, and then rig. Import the results into "Julia" and do a bit of parenting, and you should be good to go.

  13. Well, that's not good. You're replacing the "[AT]" with an @ and so on, I assume? What kind of error message are you getting?


    If you can't get through, you can probably just fix the problem yourself. Re-make your hi-res group using the "/" key, and then run WeightMover again.

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