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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Far Star Productions

*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Far Star Productions

  1. Very nice work on tutorial and yes this system works great! This is very similar to the 3D artz cog set up minus a lot of neat rig tricks to give the shoulder a more natural movement automatically by using uler limits. It is far to complicated to go into but if interested you should check out the cd tutorial. It is well worth the money.


  2. I enjoyed the clips very much it was a true pleasure getting to see and hear Martin talking about Animation Master in the beginning years and also about his back ground and were he came from. truly amazing and inspirational to say the least. Thank you Martin for being so brave and going out on your own to start up Hash.Inc and bringing to us such a powerful tool to tell our stories.

    Jack West

  3. I have never done the drag and drop of decal before is this the same as importing image in to model window and scale to size and then stamp it.

    By drag dropping decal does it make a stamp?

  4. Jack McRip,


    You are saying you can make adjustments to what weight movers has done already to make final adjustments and tweaks in the weighting with out having to run it back through weight movers?


    are models that are weighted with weight movers in 10.5 making the move over to 11 with no problems?


    Does weight movers work in 11 the same as in 10.5?

  5. All right! last night I got it all worked out and also played around with using some added material attributes. Great stuff! Thanks for posting your finding. I read this from the v11 reference book about 20 times looking for answer but it just did not click until you posted. Thanks.

    I think I have got this V11 hair figured out. It is a great new tool that is for sure and fun to work with. I find it to be very user friendly as well. Great job HASH.

  6. I am using a image file and a decal file at the same time to get the hair diffuse color. The image file is the same one used as a decal so what i have been doing is that when making the hair emitter I would select the image file instead of choosing a diffused color and then drag the hair emitter onto a named group in the model i want the hair to be. Then i open up the decal in the model and change it to "other" set new properties and then select diffuse color.


    From what i am getting from you I should only do one or the other not both?

  7. I am following you just fine. I think. :)

    I just got 11 and the first thing i did was to give the new hair a go and I must say I am having a hard time getting the hair color to look at all like the decal diffuse color. With my model the hair is coming out much darker than the decal. Would you have any idea what might be causing this? Could I have possibly picked the wrong diffused color choice on the hair drop down menu. Because in mine I was seeing the exact same thing as you show above.

  8. Wow this is some great info. Thank you. This is probably why I am having such troubles with v11 hair to come out looking like I want it to because it is nothing like 10.5 at all.

    Were did you find this information was it from a tutorial or was it by trial and error?

    I have not seen any documentation talking about this at all and I have the current version 11 technical reference book.

    Does this mean models in 10.5 with decal hair will need to be redone completely for hair in 11 to work properly?

  9. Yes I have been getting the same thing as well. I have not tested it yet but I am thinking it is when you select hair to cast shadow but again i have not tested this yet.

    It is to bad.

  10. I find this interesting. Why is the Athlon rendering faster?


    Are Athlon faster render machines than p4 if both machines have the same ram and processing power?

  11. I was just getting ready to get some more machines for farm and was going to go with Athlon processor but my others are intel. should I not mix the two processors in the farm and why.

  12. Mr. Poissant,

    This is great news! The answer was so close but just off by a hair. Thank you for your file structure lay out. I am glade to say we have been following the model file structure correctly as you have layed out and this is why opening a model was not a problem because every thing was inside the model main folder but when it came to animations with chors it fell apart for us and now i know why. Production did not establish a file structure as we did with the models. We missed on that every one has to have the project main folder named the same (Exactly the same) and also production did not establish with the artists were there chor folder should be in this structure. This is great news to us and production will get this under works now.

    Thank you.

  13. You are correct if every one had the exact same set up on there system there would not be a problem. We have the same folder set up for models but Were the having to relinking starts to occur is that some artists keep models on c drives some keep them on a fire wire drives and production has every thing on a D and E drives. So when I get a chor from a artists that has everything on a c drive and it goes to my c drive looking to find the model. On my c drive is just programs and the models are on my D or E drive so i just relink it to were that model lives on my system. The relink is really not that time consuming of a task so it really is not a problem but it would be great if we did not have to do this. If you have a file folder system that works under these types of conditions I would like to know and start it into the works.

  14. I am sorry I miss understood I thought you were going to be needing a production company that is using AM to do testing with and I was just playing along but thats ok I will take my 100 models and 12 episodes and go home now.

  15. What is it that I would need to have in place to have this work?


    How long Do you feel it would take for you to have this set up with Far Star?


    Do you feel you have a strong understanding of how things are being done on far star work flow or do i need to give you a more clear break down?

  16. Lets say a render of a clip of a scene is completed on the render farm would it then post it to web site for viewing automatically?


    Were would the data base need to be?


    Would this eliminate the process of relinking models, materials, actions, When opening up a chor?


    on reopening of chors were would the data be coming from the users computer or the main data base?

  17. I am looking at it from the production company side of things. Could you give me a list of what it could do for me in a lay man terms. Give me your sells pitch and I will let you know if it works for me. I took a look at toon track and don't see much use for it because we have all ready in place everything it does but with out a software to help but by using good old production organization from with in the production office.

  18. Your welcome and i totally understand. This is stuff we have learned through the year and half of doing Far Star with trial and error that is for sure. As in proxy models did you know you can turn your full complete model into a proxy quite easily with the settings in chor. If you look to the far right of the model in chor in the project work space you will see a circle. if you click on it you will see other choices open up. If you click on diamond it gives you a very low poly and if you click on box it will give you even more low poly to were your model looks like boxes. This comes in nice to get the feel of real time of animation but you will need to use your imagination a little bit as you watch it. As in doing real production it is not a pain but a absolute blast and you learn so much as well.

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