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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Noel

  1. The reason a new smartskin starts at 90degs is because it doesn't make much sense to start with no angle. No angle is how the joint was modeled so it should look correct already. So you are going to have to pick a new angle to start your smartskin at anyways, so 90degs is a good a guess as any. When you do pick your first smartskin angle and make a key it automaticly sets a key at at this new angle and a key at no angle that is zero. You could go back and change this key at no angle, but it makes more sense to just make the origional geometry look correct in the first place.


    Hope this make some sense :)



  2. Here is the documentation for the dynamic constraint. same idea for hair.


    This option makes the targeting act like a fishing rod, the base of the

    rod influences the end of the rod. The end of the rod only tries to take

    on its intended shape and ignores the base. It tends to make whip like

    bends, and behaves the best if the bottom bones are either longer or stiffer

    than the ones at the ends.


    Experiment with a chain of many bones and a dynamic constraint to see the difference between the two settings.

  3. Interesting ideas Bill, but that is getting a little complicated for this beta cycle.

    I'll leave it as is for now, as it fixes the new user problem of their stuff not staying put when they expect it to, and pros can turn it off.

  4. You'll be able to turn off the smart force keyframe on the Action tab from the tools options dialog in the next beta. Thanks for the feedback.


  5. I Don't know if there are any tutorials out there for this. Did you try searching the ARM?


    Anyways its pretty straight forward. To get started add a bone. If you select any bone and add a bone. The new bone will be a child of the selected bone. If when you add the new bone you begin dragging at the end of the selected bone it will automatically be an IK chain.


    If you want two bones you already have added to be an IK chain just drag the second bone onto the first in the Project Workspace tree so it is a child of the first.

    Then set the Attached to Parent property of the second bone.


    Thats all there is to it.

  6. Or you could model the face as a cylinder and use a Distort object to form it into the shape you want. Then the mouth could be animated along the face of the cylinder, which is then distorted to the shape you really wanted.


    Again yell if you want an example

  7. You might try a modified version of the cartoon eye thing.

    Where you have a round eye with pupil that you want to track on the surface of the eye controlled by the rotation of a bone from the center of the eye.

    Then a parent bone to they eye and pupil bones is scaled more in the y axis.

    This makes the pupil track a non spherical eye.


    You may be able to treat your mouth like the pupil


    If my explanation isn't up to snuff, or you want me to hack together an example just yell.

  8. I read things like (in RAF V3.0 Setup Manual) "All you need to do to apply the setup is to 'crank the constraints slider up to 100%'", what the heck does that mean, I don't see any constraints slider option.

    This sounds like it was in reference to the old 8.5 style. Now it means turn on the constraints pose, but it is on by default now. Make an new action for a model from the CD like Thom and look at the pose slider window to see what poses are there now, and which ones are on by default.

  9. Export .mdl wasn't designed to work from a relationship, but you can try putting you model in an empty chor and exporting a model from that with the pose on.


    But I think that all of your other muscle poses, and actions will not work as you wish, because muscle motion is a delta from the model position (that now would have changed) and bone motion is based on its angle in relation to its parent bone.

  10. Um if I understand your problem correctly you have a model constrained to a path.

    Add a walk action. Character walks to end of path in the length of the walk action.

    You add a dance action.

    The character walks part way along the path and then starts dancing and sliding along the path.


    The path constraint defaults for its ease to be at the beginging of the path (0%) on frame 0 and at the end of the path (100%) at the end of the choreography.


    All you should need to do is go to the end of the walk and set the path constraints ease to 100%.


    Action blending is only if the two actions are to overlap.

  11. My guess is that you have done something you didn't mean to do it a smartskin.

    make an new action and rotate each bone one at a time with the rotate manipulator to see which bone is causing the problem. Then look in that smartskin relationship to make sure there are not bones or poses being animated in that smartskin that you don't want.


    This often happens when people forget to turn off the define relationship button when they adjust their constraints poses to make it more simple to be able to rotate the smartskin bone.


    Send the model to support@hash.com if you are unable to figure it out, and we'll be glad to take a look at it.

  12. You should be able to right click on the key color and pick not set.


    Or turn your image into a .tga with an alpha channel that is all white.


    If this doesn't fix your problem, please send your image to support@hash.com with a project and discription of how it is not working.



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