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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by balistic

  1. It's funny that I should happen to cruise by the Hash forums today, as I probably only do it once a year these days.


    From 2007 to 2010 I was working at Blur in LA, but switched over to the video casino gaming sector in 2011 so I could move back home to Nevada to be near family and have a better work-life balance. I still do a lot of 3D environment stuff, it's just for slot machines instead of videogames/movies.


    I have a website that's in need of an overhaul, and tend to post sketches and such at my ArtStation page. I haven't done any 3D at home in quite a few years, but I just built a new desktop a couple weeks back and am looking forward to trying to get back into it; particularly real-time stuff and GPU rendering. We use Unity at work, but we're a couple versions behind, and those new lighting tools in 5 are calling my name.


    Thanks for asking about me, and any of you A:M old-timers are quite welcome to add me on Facebook!

  2. Good to see you guys too :)


    Rodger: another compliment I wanted to pay you - I like that you add a bit of wobble to your panels with a bump map. Makes for interesting highlights, and keeps things looking hand-made.


    I think you've been doing that for a while though. At any rate, it still works. I almost never render anything without adding some low-frequency bump wobble to the surface.

  3. I agree some of the camer moves are a little distracting. But the Animation so far is fantastic. If that's what the blocking animation looks like, I can't wait for the finished product.


    Oh yeah, no gripes about the animation. For blocking, it's great.


    That camera definitely needs to settle down though.

  4. Noel:


    Unfortunately you can't just convert something animated for 30 fps down to 24 fps.


    Animators like to be able to control exactly when the extremes of their poses fall. If you change from 30 to 24 mid-production, those extreme poses are going to end up being skipped between frames. Think about something like a punch or an axe-swing that only lasts three frames . . . if you lose any of those frames in a rate conversion, you can radically change the appearance of the movement.


    I suspect the character animators will back me up here.

  5. I stopped doing any 3D at home because . . . well, when you do something professionally, you can reach a point where you don't want to take work home with you. I switched over to doing digital painting to relax, since it was different enough from my day job that I could still have fun with it.


    I'm using Maya here on Delgo, but I still prefer A:M, and am looking forward to using it again. The software's come a long way in the last few years.


    Mayble I'll change my avatar . . . edit: probably not what you guys had in mind :), but I'll try it for now. My other one is too big.

  6. Hey Brian, great to see you back again. David, hope you're not spreading yourself too thin. Bob will be in touch.


    Brian, have you logged into dotProject as yet? If not please do then I can upgrade your access to contributor. All project assignements are done via dotProject whch results in an email to the assignee's.




    I'll try to get signed up on that in the next week or two. Thanks.

  7. Martin has convinced me (it didn't take much, really) to take a stab at doing some key lighting once some of the sets start coming together.


    I'm a little stretched for time, what with working on an animated movie for my day job, but I reckon I should be able to fit at least a little TWO work into my schedule.


    What I've looked through so far looks great. You guys should be proud.

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