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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by smwolke

  1. Here is my first take. I am posting to get out from in front of me(and so that Martin doesn't think that I did nothing all week ;) ). The intial start and the transition from "the" to "big" I not comfortable with but am unsure what to do about it right now.




  2. I am not sure if there is a place to post problems with the web render slave so I will post it here. I do not think it is a problem with the render slave but a problem with the .cho the render slave is trying to render. The web render has rendered multiple jobs on my machine successfully so I do know that things work OK.


    So here is the problem:


    Today when I got home the Render Slave was chugging away on a frame in 2_06_30, was stuck at 10% and had been rendering for 4 hrs 33mins. Before this most render times were between 15 and 40mins. I killed the render server, since it would not respond to suspend or close. Then I started it up again and it picked up another frame (maybe the same one) from 2_06_30 and is stuck at 10% again.


    Is this the appropriate place to post problems with rendering job problems or is there a separate thread?









    looks like this is being addressed in



  3. I am currently trying to do some clean up on an animation sequence and when I load the project a barrage of dialogs similar to the one in the image below. I have never seen these messages before and am not sure what they mean. All of the data in the Shared Data directory and the directory that contains the sequence that I am working on have been updated.


    So my question is two-fold:


    1) If anyone knows what the problem how can I fix it?


    2) Is it possible to work on the chor, save my work and not ruin this lighting setup?







  4. OK here is a take 2 on the blocking in which I "tried" to incoporate your ideas Robert so let me know what you think. I started the voice a little later because the the first few gestures seemed very rushed and but that ended the amination a little earlier if we keep it the same length. His head looks a little stale to me but I am submitting it anyways because I am not sure what to do with it. So for those that feel like thinking for me I am open for ideas.







  5. Roger,


    Your animation is looking great. I really like when her hands come together, it looks convincing. The only thing bugging me is that it appears that her arms do not move between 0:00 and 0:21; they move when her torso moves but the arms do not move themselves. I think if you just add a little movment to the arms somewhere between 0:00 and 0:20 it will look a little more natural.





  6. Any and All,


    I am trying to keep Mrs. Yoop's ear from intersecting with the pillow of the bed while she is sleeping. The keyframe on the ear for frame 0 is shown in first attached image and once the animation moves to the second frame the ear moves back to the model's rest state as displayed in the second image and all other keyframes on the ear are ingnored. The action is the last of three actions for Mrs. Yoop and the blend method is set to "Add". I noticed that while the model moves the ears move which makes me think that they are constrained to another bone to give them some "random" jiggle but I am unable to find out how to turn off this feature.


    Does anyone know what could be causing this?








  7. I have been assigned 2_2_46 and the project is looking for the model 'Shared Data/Models/Actors/Scarecrow/Hat.mdl' which is key in this animation. After an update of the 'Shared Data/Models/Actors/Scarecrow' directory there still is no hat. If any one knows where the hat is could you please let me know otherwise I will just save out the the hat from the scarecrow.mdl to hat.mdl and we can clean up the SVN conflict when and if it happens.





  8. Hi All,


    I am finally getting around to putting up my contribution to this group directing thread. I am not sure I like that belly bouncing loons I created. The work being done by Russel and others on this thread is coming along nicely and when their chor. are given the go ahead I may just hijack their work if we think that would not be to repetitive.




    Comments are welcome.




  9. Hello fellow loonies,


    I have been assigned the task of Loons with Ballons. This task required the making of a "ballon loon" that can be used to create a set of balloons that will be carried by another loon. To start off I thought I would just scale down the generic loon and make the body a little rounder. The mesh and the bones were scaled along with some mesh modifications to make the loon more like a round ballon. The resultant model looked like what I would have exected but when I bring the model into an action it displays as in the attached image. The FACE rig seems all messed. I was hoping that maybe someone knows what is causing this and a way to work around it.





    Any help is appreciated.






    Edit: Sorry if this seem off topic but because I was not paying attention the post did not end up where I intended.

  10. All,


    I am currently working on 2_08_08 which has two different camera shots; the first is that of Tinwoodman making a bold move off to Nimee's house and the second is a shot from the back of Tinwoodman marching off to Nimme's house. The first shot goes from 100-152 and I am happy with the results for now. A frame 152 the camera angle changes and Tinwoodman get constrained to a path. I then include a walk cycle to Tinwoodman from frame 152- * but the walk cycle seems to have no effect. If I create a blank Choreograph and add Tinwoodman, constrain him to a path and a walk cycle everything works as expected.


    Attached is a screen shot of what the time-line looks like.




    Is there a setting in the rig or choreograph? If anyone could help I would appreciate it.





  11. Should I move either Nimmee or Chopfyt so they are closer? Which one is safe to move without messing up one of the other shots?



    Yes, I think you should mover her closer to Chopfyt. I am shot sure what the other shots have for placement but if possible, I think he could even be in the shot to start. To walk that far while carrying on dialogue, and then showing alot affection, makes the shot read funny to me.


    I look forward to seeing the progress, it seems like a fun shot.

  12. Ok, here is a first take for a take 2.


    I left in the pan across the forest with the dialog because the timing of scarecrow and woots reaction depend on it. I am not sure of scarecrow's emotion, I just tried to copy the storyboard and was unable to determine what emotion it was; That may show. In watching this shot and trying to place myself in scarecrow's place I am left without emotion. I do not even think I would react to what tinman had said. Also added some movement to tinman.


    Is the exageration of nothing still nothing?


  13. All,


    For this week, I have been assigned the shot, 2_06_04, and I am currently trying to figure how to begin. This is the first shot that I have been assigned that is a more than just looking at the storyboard and animating the character(s) in the chor to match. And with this added complication I am now confused :blink:


    The storyboard of this shot has three different camera shots.(see the attached clip) A continuation of the the previous shot 2_06_03, a shot where Scarecrow peers around Tinman and one where Woot peers around Tinman. I was just wondering do I try to follow the storyboard and make three camera shots in one chor. or do we stick to one camera shot per assignment? I am asking because I do not remembering seeing a clip that had more than one camera angle. Also if we were to do more than one camera shot per assignment I would make the assumption that we would do this with moving the camera between keyframe holds and not multiple chors.


    I guess the question could be more generalized to, how closely should we stick to the storyboards?


    If this issue has been discussed could you be so kind as to point to the thread where the topic is covered.






  14. Here is a first take. I moved the camera in from where it was originally set so that you can see the movements of Nimmee. I am not sure if the opening of the door is needed since it needs to happen fast so the the dialog can be fit in the alloted time window. And it still seems to cut into the dialog .


    Opinions?? Other options??


  15. The phoneme poses have been added.


    Make note though. While I was posing nimmee I noticed that some of her teeth were assigned to the wrong bone or no bone at all. See image below.



    If someone cannot wait until tomorrow or someone has time to correct this before tomorrow evening please help yourself otherwise I will revisit the problem then.


  16. Ken,


    Thanks for the info.


    I figured since I have an animation with Nimmie Amee and was going to use the phonemes it about time I contribute to the rigging.


    In regards to rigging, I would like to say thanks to the rigging team, the work has been nothing less then fantasitic. It has been a pleasure to use the characters in animation.

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