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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Dragonranja

  1. then I shall close my discussion and questioning and not pursue it further. And for the record today I did a fresh clean load and it crashed again.


    Funny how so many people have this problem but won't discuss it.


    Thank you all for your input, but i can see where this is going. Nowhere.

  2. Tell me this is in v11. If it isn't why aren't you ALL telling them to implement so EASY a change?


    because i am not a Fellow. I just want it to be fixed. but what I am seeing here is that even though A:M is a good product and wonderful at it's animation capabilities. It will never be fixed not to crash, just save as much as possible and continue on? or have i missed something?


    Again thank you for your time....

  3. Yes I agree the saving, as I am doing but that still does not explain the program deleting my project as it dumps to desktop.


    Obviously I am not the only one this has happened to so it would seem that it is a program problem rather than a system problem. Either that or All of us are running the same system. As I said ALL of my drivers ar up to date as I checked that when A:M dumped the first time.



    Saving is always the best because of reasons of power outages, some maroon in the work place kick the cord out of the wall, whatever the case may be.


    That fact still remains, it is happening and how do I fix it. Just short of changing to another program?


    thanks for your time.

  4. OK I have been experiencing V11n crashing out of program, but the last straw was it crashing and deleting my project at the same time.


    Let me explain. I learned a long time ago to save about every two minutes for the program dump that is inherent to this program but today while working on the christmas contest, I was saving. Crashed several time to desktop but the last time it did it I was extruding to finish out my fireplace and program dropped to desk top and deleted my project file with it.


    ALL drivers on computer are up to date and it deleting my project is just down right agrivatting. So my question to the members here is ....Has this happened to anyone before and if so how do I fix it. I am about to my limit of patience on this and want to see the LIGHT.......HELP.

  5. can someone please post a link or some of their work of photorealistic or even lifelike wip please.


    I am frustrated and don't know if I am just not seeing realistic work or I haven't dug deep enough. I have see Maya but I am not a rich person I just want6 to make good quality modeling. If it can be done of what I am looking for I can learn it and keep digging. I have looked through WIP and stills and movies and I am more working on realistic not so much cartoonish.


    Now please do not get me wrong. Every piece of work I have seen is wonderful.


    Please help my frustration and show me the light.


    Thank you in advance for your valuable time.



  6. I am working on the quarter animation contest and I thought, (silly me) there was a homer simpson fat man on the CD, but there is not. Also I have asked this to Hash on the use, using the models on the cd, I have yet to find any of the females that are expression ready. Am I looking in the wrong area? Some guidance please on a female with facial expressions and am I crazy about the fat man model?

  7. It does.


    I add it like another layer to decal just change properties from color to bump.


    that is what I was doing wrong. One not changing it and two on another try it was a hidden layer in my color layer from photoshop.







  8. So just to get it straight.


    The bump map is added like a decal layer and then a color layer is added like a decal...or in photoshop the bump layer and the color layer are in the same tga?


    I know I must be confusing some but thank you for your help.




  9. On applying the bump map to the decal mine has not turned out right. Is the bump map in the decal or is it a separate layer and A:M interpret it as bump map since it is in gray scale?


    any help on tutorial or explanation on bump map would be greatly appreciated.





  10. Hi all.


    I am working on texturing from a magazine tutorial and have a question.


    If I make a light and dark layer for the bumps and wrinkles like what would be used in LW. Would the same effect work in A:M? According to the tutorial in LW a layer of light and dark is interpreted as light being ridges and dark being indentions or creases.


    Is this what is said as an alpha layer? I also would like to know, if it is not, are the creases and wrinkles put in by modeling the splines?


    I am sorry but on my search in the forums I did not find the answer.


    Thank you for your time


  11. Thank all for help in monitor calabration.


    I don't know if it will help but I also changed my difused colors on the model to show it more at human color then something the NBC Peacock hit at a dead run.


    I will start texturing tomorrow so I hope the colors show right to everyone.


    Blessed be to all Hashers.






    and her eyes



  12. Hi


    It is me again.


    Yes it is modeled after Mister Talbots lady cause I used her screen shots as rotoscopes. I am in process of getting my own rotoscopes to do some other modeling. I am using a PC windows xp home and will look in my photoshop for monitor calberating doo hicky thingy. *love the technical terms*.


    Google here I come.



  13. I have what may be a dumb question but I must ask.


    Is there a major color difference in appearance if I model and texture and the way it shows up some where else? I know that it will be dealing with the intensity and brightness or darkness but is there a place to set monitors to a standard for equal viewing?


    For example: If I model something and texture it and then turn around and post it but on another computer it shows up to washed out or even...*goodness forbid* to dark in color.


    By the way I have enjoyed the posts about the company of Hash and its future and feel that I am to new to know any or all of the industry but I will say this. I have been painting for many years but have never made it a career. Now after two strokes and a minor heart attack I have alot of time to learn more of the modeling and texturing. After running ever tutorial on Hash since I purchased A:M and most of Mr. Talbots tutorials in texturing, I love it. I play Everquest and T. King is my favorite artist but since meeting yale he is dropping in rank FAST.


    Den Beauvais was the one that inspired me to A:M from his website.


    *slaps face to get back on subject*


    Sorry. Now back to monitor colors....any help would be greatly helpful and just to show everyone what I am working on....here it is.


    thank you for your time.




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