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Posts posted by MixePix

  1. trajcedrv: Here's a wire just for you.


    JohnArtbox: Well I thought that I'd be a little progressive at first but the beard-thing seems to be important.:) Collin sent me an image with some suggestion so I will play with it for a while and see if I can increase his facial hair a little. The birds and the spear will be in the movie though.


    aaver: Ja precis! Vi borde ju räknas som auktoriteter på området! :)


    NancyGormezano: nice to hear that you liked the stitches.:) I'm not sure about the eye-patch yet. Just thought I would at least try the idea out and see if it worked..


  2. Actually I'm thinking of giving him some kind of particle aura when he makes his appearance which will change color after his mood. Changing the eye-color is a good idea though. I think I'll do that as well.


    I started out with a white eye but I think it's better with the current one. The advantage with an actual eye is that he can pinpoint his victim with his stare. Uhm, don't know if that makes any sense at all...:/

  3. Thanks for all your nice comments!


    KenH: It will be a full character in the end but at them moment it's just the face.


    Paul Forwood: I agree. I will put some more wrinkles to it.


    Mega: The light setup is pretty simple. I used Skycast and then just one keylight. Actually I tried to lit it from beneath but it looked weird somehow. I might get it to work if I put in some more lights though.


    higginsdj: I think you might be right! I will make some changes.


    cfree68f: An eyepatch? Didn't thought of that but I will give it a shot! The reason for his appearance (with teeth and all) is that I've read that Odin (I wrote Oden as it spells that way in Swedish) has two faces. One peaceful that he shows to his allies and one horrific that he shows to his enemies. I therefore tried to create a face that starts out peaceful but turns evil as it smiles. Beneath is the peaceful look. I might make a model out of Thor but probably not Loki. I promise to put a big beard on Thor thought.;) I would love to see your image btw! Thanks for taking the time!


  4. Thanks for the comments everyone! :)


    I tried to put some beard on him at first but I thought he looked meaner without so I just put that hair-thing under his chin instead.


    He doesn't look like the typical god but It's like Mr. Jaqe said I'm not really after that kind of look


    Hmm, his smile maybe looks weird. I'll take another look at it...

  5. I'm doing a short with some references to nordic mythology and are at the moment working with a poster/promo image. As for one of the elements in the poster i created this cg-version of Oden. The textures still need some more work but I'm pretty happy with the 'evilness' of his appearance so I just wanted to share... :)



  6. As I recalled the recommendation was that you put a weight of 10 at aspect, skew and principal and the iteration should be at least 5. Me myself usually just check everything and put all bundle options at 10 except Convergence.

  7. Ouch! I always forget some small thing and end up re-rendering the whole thing. With that kind of rendertime I would have killed myself long time ago. :D 2 hours sounds a lot better though.

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