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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Shamrock12

  1. Thanks Ken! I'll take a look on that page, and see if there is any info... if not, I'll hold off, just in case. Can't be too careful when it took so long to download :)


    I believe Noel said before that you can just drag and drop it in to a new location via Windows. As long as you have every part of the folder. But I'd get confirmation on it before you do anything. There may be some info on it on the TWO Wiki page.
  2. Hello everyone,


    I have been downloading the TWO files, and even with wiping my system clean I have filled it. So I've just picked up an external harddrive, and I'm hoping that 250 gigs will do it :)


    Is there any special trick to transferring the c:/twodrive files to the drive, without screwing up the svn and having to start downloading all over? I don't want to screw anything up (or to stay up until six am trying to make sure that everuthing is working again!!!).


    Thanks for all your help and advice!


    Best regards,



    aka Shamrock12

  3. Whoa, wait a minute, you can earm a million $'s working at Pixar!?! I so gotta get my artsy daughter a job there so she can support me in my senile years! But Rodney is right about experimentation (with A:M that is). Observing cause and effect is the best way to learn.


    You know, I missed the millions part... does Pixar have a Canadian branch? :) Because I think my mom is counting on me for the same thing, sigh. It's true though, nothing solidifies everything you've learned more than screwing it up and trying desperately to get it back (or having to do it again) :P

  4. We have to create it first but "Yes" I think it will.


    I have a similar experience with moving my computer to the front room from a few years ago from the guest bedroom.

    I think my family forgot who I was.


    Now... they seem to have gotten over that and they just send me to the basement.

    I have learned a lot along the way though. For instance, "Papa, Mama says come to dinner" means "Right now...or you won't eat anything!"


    I have very little interest in being a starving animator ya' know. :P


    Haha, I was going to set up a home office, but with two little dogs and a lot of white carpet I think I should just go for the front hall!


    Have you considered a bar fridge and a microwave? They could fit neatly under your desk. Pizza pockets and eggo waffles can get you a long way, you know. Thank god my husband cooks, I would have scurvy by now! :)

  5. Thats exactly what I mean.

    Its more as an introduction to the possibilities than anything... a break from the work if you will.


    If you ever get stuck... ever get frustrated... break away and explore A:M a bit. Right Click on everything... break stuff! Then you'll be ready to come back to 'the work' again.


    The same applies outside A:M as well of course.

    Keep friends and family close. Engage yourself in other non-A:M related activities. Explore the outside world.


    But... you knew all this stuff already right?

    I'm the one thats still learning. :)


    Added: There is a sub-exercise I'd like to add to Exercise 1 that introduces some simple lighting and textures manipulation. Its not so much about setting these up as exploring all the buttons, bells and whistles that are already there!


    There is a whole lot to discover in A:M.


    Haha, I'm getting the distinct feeling that A:M has some addictive properties? :)


    I think your idea of taking a break and just messing around with the program is a good one. As long as I don't do it on the actual exercise and have to start over! If I just start a new choreography and play a little it would probably be good for me. I tend to learn by making mistakes... after a few tries anyways ;)


    I must admit though... we're already talking about moving our computer into the family room so I see people and puppies more. Not to mention TV, once Heroes is back on I can't be hidden in the basement! But then, I do brochures, logos and websites for people on the side, and take nightschool to learn new programs (tonight: Macromedia Fireworks), so I am on the computer a lot. Balance is an acquired skill that I am working on acquiring :)


    Lighting and textures manipulation? Will that be posted in the Exercise 1 forum?

  6. Please do. If you skip one we get all confused. ;)


    My suggestion for additional credit/experience with Exercise 1 is to experiment and explore the various rendering settings. While you'll get into these later in the TaoA:M manual there it'll help to know what to look for.


    Don't be afraid to test out the possibilities!

    (but... um... keep focused) ;)


    Most of all... have fun.

    Animation may be work but fun is what this is all about.

    Whether you make a million $ working at Pixar or stick to your own creations, don't ever...Ever...EVER... forget that. :)


    Hi Rodney,


    As soon as I posted that I found the place to post #1... I got a little ahead of myself :) When you say the various rendering settings you mean shaded, wire and shaded, wire etc? Or am I thinking of something else? I will give it a try tonight! I figure that I will test the possibilities, but my first priority is getting to #6 or 7 so I can help out on the movie. Then I will start playing a lot more :)


    So far I am having a lot of fun... except for when I accidentally deleted exercise #3 and had to start over. That was a Maalox moment :P I like the problem solving involved in it all though. Eventually I'd love to learn how to do the modelling, that looks like a blast, but I'm glad to be learning how animation works first... not sure that I will ever be making millions, but who needs millions? As long as I am having fun, get to be creative, and can someday stop renting from my mother... that's good enough for me! :D

  7. Hay Kelly GREAT to see your working at this so soon! I see you got # 1 figured out Keep posting I will see that MArtin knows we have another TWO Animator joining the team Soon! I see you meet Dhar he is like Alot of the people in this Forum. Very talented and dedicated to Mastering the Art of Animation. I know you will have lots of fun and learn lots so lets get moving and Start making Movies! ;)


    Hey Mark...


    After a two month wait, how could I not get right to work? The suspense was killing me :) Can't wait to become a TWO Animator, hopefully I will get as good as the other people's work I see on here! Practice makes perfect, and I am doing a lot of that (like 2-4 hours a night, except Wednesdays which is when I have Fireworks class, and more on weekends) so here's hoping I will be helping you all get finished really soon! Thanks for all your help and critiques, it really helps to have someone checking in on my progress :D

  8. Welcome aboard Kelly.


    In this school you can pretty much do what you want :P There is no grading system, however, if you feel inclined to it, you are most welcome to be as creative as you can be. The benefit is all yours :)


    Hi Dhar,


    That's great! I love it that it we can improvise. I don't have the skills to do it yet, but hopefully a little later on I will be able to really do it up right :) I can't believe some of the stuff I am seeing on these posts! I take it that some of the people have used the program, but are working on certification?

  9. Name: Kelly


    Exercises Completed: 3


    Date Completed: 10 September 2007


    Instructor: PF_Mark helps me when I screw up :)


    Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement:


    You are doing well Kelly I like the 2nd pose very much I have a suggestion on the 3rd if you rotate the right elbow controler away from body or screen left you would get a better Silloette but don't look back keep gong once you are making TWO scene I will jump in and walk you through it.Just 3 more exe to go!


    Thanks, Mark! I see what you mean about the elbow... yeah, it seemed just a little bit off to me too. I also loved the second pose, I was very proud of that one :) I can't wait to get the other three done! It's getting closer! This exercise definitely taught me about zooming in for certain details... I think it might be starting to make more sense now :)

  10. so when my cousin, PF_Mark, told me about the program I had to give it a shot.


    You must realise... this makes you A:M royalty by bloodline alone? ;)


    Any cousin of PF_Mark (or aspiring animator for that matter) is most welcome here.

    Let the fun (and animation!) begin! :)




    Hi Rodney!


    Thanks for the warm welcome... I just hope that I live up to my noble lineage! :)


    After some troubles with my models only appearing from the waist up and an email from

    PF_Mark I think I have figured it out enough to post Exercise 2... do we post #1 as well?

  11. Hi Everyone,


    I am definitely a newbie, I literally just installed the program!


    I've never actually done animation before, I'm currently in college learning about graphic design, illustration, layout and web design, but I've always wanted to do animation, so when my cousin, PF_Mark, told me about the program I had to give it a shot.


    Looking forward to doing all the assignments!



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