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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by gordonm

  1. At first I was sceptical - how can any professional CG tool cost only $299us - Animation Master has got to be a low end tool for amateurs.


    But I looked more carefully at the range of features that Animation Master had to offer, and after much mulling, bought the product. This is a purchase I have never regretted making.


    Animation Master is a powerful integrated CG toolset, in which a user can create animations from conception to completion - but thats not all:


    I have used the powerful modelling and rendering capabilities to create high end graphic design.


    I have used the modelling, actions, and choreography tools to rapidly pose, stage and design lighting, for complex 2D and 3D illustration.


    Animation Master is a powerful and flexible professional CG toolset. Its low cost is icing on the cake.


    Gordon MacDonald

  2. I have found these algorithms at:




    I am wondering if expressions can be used to generate splines/models from them?


    Gord MacDonald




    First, PHI-SPIRAL only:


    Basic formula for natural Phi Spiral: radius = Phi ^ ( 2 * a / Pi )


    Explanation: A by angle "a" rotating vector's length "radius" is determined

    as a power of Phi, such that by each quarter circle, it's length is "Phi" times

    longer. This traces the Phi spiral in a flat plane.


    As an algorithm, it could look as follows:



    For a = 0 * Pi To 4000 * Pi ' for alpha in radians, go round a few times

    alpha = a / 1000 'make high resolution

    radius = Phi ^ (2 * alpha / Pi)

    PhiSpiral©.x= spiralScale * radius * Cos(alpha)Delta)) 'Phi-spiral's X-coordinates

    PhiSpiral©.y= spiralScale * radius * Sin(alpha)Delta)) 'Phi-spiral's Y-coordinates

    c=c+1 'counting the steps

    Next a




    DONUT only:


    Basic formula: simply a "fanned" group of composing circles, the radius of the donut surface at any point is

    the cosine of the angle of a composing circle, it x, y coordinates this radius time the cos resp. sine angle of the

    donut, its z coordinate the sine of the composing circle.


    As an algorith:


    c = 1

    For i = 1 To 20 'choosen nr. of composing circles building the Donut

    For j = 1 To 20 'choosen nr. of segments making up one composing circle

    radius = donutScale * Cos(j / 20 * 2 * Pi) 'Effective radius of one composing circle

    Donut©.x = radius * Cos(i / 20 * 2 * Pi) 'Donut's X-coordinates, unimportant for flame-form

    Donut©.y = radius * Sin(i / 20 * 2 * Pi) 'Donut's Y-coordinates, unimportant for flame-form

    Donut©.z = Phi * donutScale * Sin(j / 20 * 2 * Pi) 'Donut's Z-coordinates, USED FOR THE 3D Phi Spiral, or flame-form

    c = c + 1'counting the steps

    Next j

    Next i

  3. Yes I do agree with Yves. Phi is not the be all and end all, but it is nonetheless very fascinating. Wow, it exists in so many places in nature - inspirational!


    I don't think it should be used as a template/cookie-cutter , but rather, should be considered as one more facinating thing, which the artist may use. Its special qualities make its usage potentially very valuable.


    The best guide to successful art in my opinion, is a finely tuned sense of intuition. When systems or rules used in the creation of an artwork, come into conflict with intuition (gut feelings - whatever) - go with the intuition/gut feelings everytime!


    Gord MacDonald

  4. Hi All


    Well I made the plunge and got webhosting and a domain name. All of your input was very useful. I went to the recommended hosting companies and compared notes. In the end, I opted for Yahoos small business package, called "Web Hosting Starter".


    Ya I know, I was skeptical about doing business with a giant, but - knock on wood -it will be smooth sailing. The plan and its features don't seem that bad:



    2 gigs HD storage

    25 gigs bandwidth per month

    24/7 toll free phone tech support

    1 free domain name

    100 sub domains

    $11.95 per month


    Again thanks for the input!



    Gord MacDonald


    ps: my domain is cg2020.com. http://www.cg2020.com - just a splash page there at the moment

  5. Hi all


    This is a slightly off topic post, but I think the requested info could be of use to other hash members as well


    I am in the process of setting up a website and getting a domain name, to showcase my work.


    If anyone has any advice about what to look out for and what to avoid I would appreciate it.


    Some concerns I have:


    1) Who are some reputable domain name providers?

    2) acquiring a domain name - what are the core issues?

    3) isp hosts - again, what are the core issues?


    4) who are known good isp providers

    5) who are known bad isp providers

    6) how much bandwidth should I get - given that I will be presenting images and multimedia files (hopefully lots of them!)

    7) anything else


    any feedback would be appreciated



    Gord MacDonald

  6. Here are a variety of renderings of WIPs

    All are models (unrigged)


    **note - these links are to a geocities site - sometimes slow - I am going to get a real provider real soon! **


    1) studies of a character called 'Emalien' - to be a little woodland creature. Only the head has been worked on so far. Body and rigging to follow.






    http://www.geocities.com/macdonald6800@rog...ireFrameOPT.jpg 294kb


    http://www.geocities.com/macdonald6800@rog...sSectionOPT.jpg 285kb


    2) Teeth and Eyeball studies:


    http://www.geocities.com/macdonald6800@rog...eethEyesOPT.jpg 177kb

    http://www.geocities.com/macdonald6800@rog...om/TeethOPT.jpg 235kb


    (thanks to David Simmons, Larry_B for tutorials/info on the eyes)


    Any feedback appreciated


    Gord MacDonald

  7. 1) Get in front of a live model and draw - there is no substitute!


    2) Draw constantly - carry a sketch pad every where you go, and use it. Don't feel self conscious about it just do it (draw friends, family, strangers on buses, at sports events etc.).


    3) take drawing courses - they give your studies structure, also sharing input, critiques with other students is invaluable.


    4) Copy drawings of the masters - to paraphrase British artist David Hockney "copying is a marvellous way to learn, it teaches you to see through other peoples eyes"


    5) If you are really serious about learning to draw - and I mean REALLY SERIOUS - go out and get Kimon Nicholades "The Natural Way to Draw". This is not just any book, it is a highly structured course consisting of 25 sections, each section containing a 15 hour schedule of drawing - over 300 hours total. The book progressively exposes the student (through their own sweat and dedication) to such topics as gesture, contour, weight, modelling. light and shade etc.

    Ideally this course should be done with others of like mind, sharing modeling costs. This scenario is not likely, so if you want to follow this path, get yourself a couple of cheap full length mirrors, and use yourself as a model, while you draw. This is not the easiest thing in the world but it is doable (I know I have been there)

    If you are not prepared to do the exercises DONT BUY THE BOOK! If you are prepared to do this course, and succeed, you will never regret it.


    6) whatever path you take, remember - there are a number of core components in drawing which should be studied (hands on approach) - gesture, contour, weight/modelling, light and shade.


    Good Luck!



    Gord MacDonald

  8. I would like to study body language, facial expressions etc. for animation from dvds ie: movies on DVD - whether the characters be Charlie Chapman, Robert DeNiro, Shrek - whoever - as long as they are compelling.


    I have purchased a DVD player, which had software included. The canned DVD player (PowerDVD) does not appear to do frame by frame play - nor does Windows Media Player (for DVDs).


    Question: Can commercial DVDs be run frame by frame ?- if yes, is there DVD software that anyone knows about which would do this?


    (If worse comes to worse I could screen capture with a product like Camstudio and step through the output file, but hopefully there is an easier solution)


    Any feedback would be appreciated


    Gord MacDonald

  9. Just a Note...


    I have been fighting with facial expressions for awhile, and have been frustrated by the lack of "comprehensive" reference material.


    I purchased a copy of Gary Fagans "the Artists Complete Guide to Facial Expression" today, and am glad I did.


    This book I am sure is destined to become well thumbed! (I had a good feeling about this book when I saw Dr. Paul Ekmans name in the acknowledements)


    This book is a worthwhile book for anyone fighting with facial expressions.


    Gord MacDonald

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